Wednesday, January 29, 2014


On Sunday, February 2, 2014…, I urge YOU to please join in acknowledging this very important historical event throughout Aztlan (California to Texas and beyond); The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Observance Day, by flying the Mexican flag attached to your vehicle antennas in EVERY way possible and wherever possible with Brown pride, by turning your vehicle, i.e., automobile or motorcycle’s headlights on, including your home porch lights on during the daylight hours on this particular day which has much significance for US as Chicanos, Mexican Americans and OUR Mexican born brethren throughout Mexico as well. Putting a Mexican flag armband on you will also suffice. Even if you are not of Mexican origins…., EVERYONE is welcome to join in SOLIDARITY! WE will be making history by contributig to this historic just cause. WE ARE ALL ONE PEOPLE…, PERIOD! 
In recognition of acknowledging The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that was signed over 165 years ago on this day, WE want America to know that WE have not forgotten about said Treaty which was and is still violated to this very day! WE must let OUR racist anti-immigrant Xenophobe adversaries understand that WE are a Chicano Nation within an occupied Nation. WE must also let them know that WE are a RAZA to be reckoned with and that WE are no longer a people to be ignored now or in the future! WE can accomplish through LA RECONQUISTA DE AZTLAN without NOSOTROS ever having to fire one single shot in anger! Those who have the numbers..., RULES! And WE already have the numbers…, and ever so growing!
Make no mistake, OUR enemies, the ultra-rightwing extremist racist Tea Party off shoot faction of the Republican Party adherents per se, and regrettably  including some "confused"  self-hating Stepnfetchit house kneegrows and HI-spanic Malinchista Coconuts, including some reactionaries from the "democratic" party, have joined in support of doing away with the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which will prohibit anyone born in the U.S. with one or two undocumented parents, will not be recognized as an American citizen.
If there was ever a time when ALL oppressed people, regardless if they are American born Chicanos, Mexican born nationals, any other part of the Americas, including the Caribbean, anyone else part of the non-Spanish speaking Third World and our white non-racist non-xenophobe American progressive brethren for that matter as well, must UNITE with a dire need to come together as ONE PEOPLE - ONE STRUGGLE AGAINST THE SAME ENEMY…, its now! By not taking a stand against OUR evil sinister white racist Xenophobe enemy's agenda of BIRTHRIGHT GENOCIDE, then WE deserve what "they" have in store for US ALL!
I urge OUR Chicano Studies educators of good conscience throughout Aztlan to organize autonomous "Teach In" seminar classes to their students on Sunday (Friday or Saturday before) February 2, 2014. These "Teach In" seminars will have three main objectives; Inform, Educate and most of all, Raise the Conscientiousness of OUR Raza of their origins, culture and OUR Mexican, Mexican American and Chicano history of The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. WE have to send a message to OUR white supremacist racist adversaries that WE will no longer tolerate their attacks on OUR Brown communities throughout Aztlan!  YA BASTA! (ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!)
OUR diehard adversaries have ALWAYS had a deep hostility towards US as an indigenous Red and Brown peoples. This race hatred against NOSOTROS has its roots since the very first day from several hundred years ago by those  Euro-Americans who invaded this continent and forced their alien white European "culture" on OUR indigenous peoples through their evil and sinister demeanor. Their racist anti-Chicano and anti-immigrant hatred has long been confrontational also from day one when these European hordes stole this land of Aztlan through MANIFEST DESTINY. However, in spite of this, with the passage of time, OUR adversaries will have to accept their defeat as WE are overwhelming “them” with OUR own Raza Tsunami Wave. They had their chance…, but “they” blew it!  
White racist America took its last gasp air when they lost the anti-immigrant California's Proposition 187 some years ago and especially today as WE are a growing Brown force to be reconed with! “They” now realize that WE are now a viable threat to their xenophobe bigotry and "privileged" status. Proof…? WE RAZA VOTERS have repelled OUR enemies at the ballot box time and time again inCalifornia to no end in sight! WE Raza VOTERS must cotiue to reject OUR enemies who do not have OUR best interests! Because of this, I highly suspect the extremist rightwing controlled Tea Party Republican Congress is already observing the writings on the walls how NOSOTROS will NOT drink their KKKool aid this coming November 2014! As of now, “they” are already reacting like fumigated lice on a rabid dog who are gasping for their last breath of fresh air on this planet!
There exist a great percentage of racist redneck bigots who are totally ignorant between the difference of OUR Raza as a people and that of other Spanish speaking cultures. There is no doubt that they live under the false and pretentious belief that all Brown people, without taking into account if they are Mexican nationals, American born Chicanos (Mexican Americans) or those who were born in other Latin American nations, including throughout the Caribbean Islands. It’s also obvious that OUR nay sayers always continue to have a perverted warped state of race hatred mind towards those who do not look like “them”.
No one is going to fight for the survival of OUR Raza..., but ourselves! Your presence and action on Sunday, February 2nd will make your voices heard loud and clear! WE must let “them” know that OUR time has come to be counted…, front and center! When YOU readers participate in this silent and peaceful but very important individual protest…, YOU will be making history!    
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed between the United States and Mexico, yet, the U.S. has ALWAYS made it convenient to ignore it, disrespect this Treaty and to date they have refused to acknowledge it on their American history pages. I repeat, OUR time has come as Chicanos, Mejicanos and all OUR other colonized brethren throughout the three Americas (North, Central, South Americaand the Caribbean) to UNITE AS ONE PEOPLE IN THE STRUGGLE! By YOU ignoring this warning with "caution to the four winds", that’s when OUR extremist desperate adversaries one day will be knocking on OUR doors when WE least expect it..., and then it will be too late!
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo bound the United States to protect OUR Civil Rights, compelling the U.S. Government to publish all documents and conduct business in both English and Spanish, thereby necessitating bi-lingual education and the right to retain OUR Chicano - Mejicano culture in the occupied territories of Aztlan, including OUR BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP IN THE U.S.! = 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Article VIII; "In the said territories, (Aztlan), property of every kind, now belong to Mexicans not established there, shall inviolably (prohibiting violation; secure from destruction, violence, infringement, or desecration) be respected. The present owners, the heirs of these and all Mexicans who may hereafter acquire said property by contract, shall enjoy with respect to its guarantees equally if the same belonged to citizens of the United States.”
If WE are to liberate ourselves from OUR oppressors it’s important that YOU extend your voices throughout the territories of Aztlan and beyond! Raza, if YOU love your people…, DEFEND IT!!
I hope YOU readers will continue this as an annual event in the future and thereafter. DO NOT let this The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo campaign become silent or forgotten.  I also hope you will expand and promote this significant date with dignity and pride for OUR occupied and oppressed Brown people of Aztlan. 
OUR goal is for this campaign to have public recognition for The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on Sunday, Februray 2, 2014, which is of the utmost importance as  part of OUR struggle as one Brown people throughout OUR OCCUPIED TERRITORIES OF AZTLAN! My personal goal is for me to “ignite” the match with the hope it will cause a “massive explosion” of conscieness that is apt to have many grass roots possibilities on a human and socio-political great scale. Yet, this endeavor it all depends only on YOU to act on it or remain apthetic and silent as WE remain a colonized people! Who knows, this request on my part to YOU, might one day be recognized on an international level of observance.
For now, I leave this as food for thought to YOU readers as “homework” for those who need time to ponder if their time is worth fighting for their historical rights, their culture, their Raza and themselves as Mexicans, Mexican Americans or as Borwn Pride Chicanos. YOU now have the ticking “explosive time bomb” which can be used as a “weapon” against OUR well organized and well financed adversaries with their racial bigotry who are not going away anytime soon…, which is why NOSOTROS must ALWAYS remain vigilant and at-ready at ALL times to take immediate self-defense measures to repell “them” by any and ALL means necessary!    
 Let's ALL make the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Observation an Annual event on every February 2ndfrom herein!
Your Comments Are Appreciated At:
 La Reconquista de Aztlan Movement
Face Book: E.f. Mohammed Martinez
(Yezka Flores – Assigned Editor-In-Chief)
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo in Spanish) is the peace treaty, largely dictated by the United States[1][2] to the interim government of a militarily occupied Mexico, that ended the Mexican-American War(1846–1848). From the standpoint of the United States, the treaty provided for the Mexican Cession, in which Mexico ceded 1.36 million km² (525,000 square miles; 55%[3] of its pre-war territory, not including Texas) to the United Statesin exchange for US$15 million (equivalent to $313 million in 2006 dollars). From the standpoint of Mexico, the treaty included Texas as Mexico had never recognized Texan independence nor its annexation by the U.S.
The treaty also ensured safety of pre-existing property rights of Mexican citizens in the transferred territories. Despite assurances to the contrary, property rights of Mexican citizens were often not honored by the United States as per modifications to and interpretations of the treaty.[4][5][6] The United States also agreed to take over $3.25 million ($68 million in 2006 dollars) in debts Mexico owed to American citizens.

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