Monday, January 27, 2014


Racial hatred is racial hatred no matter how one classifies or attempts to dilute it, especially when it’s spewed by those mean spirited hardcore rightwing stalwarts of the Tea Party Republican powers that be and by their likeminded white supremacist American “constituents”. The mainstream and alternative community English and Spanish speaking news media has reported over the time how many hundreds if not thousands of undocumented immigrant families in Alabama and of other adjacent deep Southern states have left already or are in the process of leaving to other states which have a lesser hostile environment towards them. Most families who reside within this stage of siege states are no longer allowing their children to attend these race hating segregationist local public schools because its teachers, but not all, are now relegated and obligated by state law to ask parents and their children for their immigration status. I wonder if Euro-Canadian undocumented immigrant children and their parents fare these same inhumane indignities by these same teachers…, if at all! America the “free and of the brave”! …The world is watching YOU!

If an Indigenous Native or Brown Spanish Speaking person, both American born citizens, is driving their vehicle on any city street or highway in Arizona, he or she is more likely to be stopped solely because of their racial profile and for “Driving While Brown”, (…or just about in other “legislated” anti-immigrant states for that matter), by its local police or other “law” enforcement agencies. When they (police) come to find out that the passenger is an undocumented person, both, the passenger and American born driver of the vehicle are arrested right there and then. The immediate outcome of their arrest will result more likely that the undocumented immigrant is detained, turned over to ICE immigration authorities and thereafter deported to their country of origin. At the same time the driver, the American born citizen who was driving, is charged with a felony for transporting an undocumented “illegal alien” as a felony! What shame and irony of America! The occupying European Americans whose ILLEGAL ancestral “pilgrims” washed ashore a few hundred years ago, are now telling NOSOTROS to leave our own indigenous land of Aztlan (California to Texas)! What gall!
If this American xenophobe anti-immigrant hysteria is not an indication as to what extremes Republican controlled Arizona’s state of siege paranoia mindset has come to today, I can’t describe what I and the entire world who is witnessing these inhumane indignities against a Brown people can call it! In no uncertain terms do I neither hesitate nor apologize to accuse America and to call it for what it is, pure and simple…, LEGALIZED ETHNIC CLEANISING! I hope our targeted enemies will remember what time it is when the time arrives to receive their inevitable payback time “score card” on their trailer park trash front steps! WE must not forget the old saying; “What goes around…, comes around! Our adversaries, who were against Affirmative Action against NOSOTROS and other people of color, in the final analysis…, they are going to need it!  …And if we have anything to do with it, we must also lobby against Affirmative Action, just like “they” did against those who did not look like “them” then and now!” In other words…, the time will come when the shoe will eventually be on the other foot!”  
Since we Raza have already surpassed our oppressors by a large margin, (…and growing!) in the state of California alone, according to the recent U.S. Census Bureau…, nothing is an impossibility to stay on due course of accomplishing NUESTRA agenda…, La Reconquista De Aztlan as a Fait Accompli! However, at the same time we must be very careful that the oppressed must never become the oppressors! It’s important to understand that not all our white brethren are racist xenophobe bigots. There are many of us people of color whom we have direct family members through marriage, directly or indirectly related with Euro-Americans. I am one of them who has members within my own family who are married to white people, through marriage of course, and with whom I have several beautiful multi-racial grandkids. I even have a Black Colombian/Chicano grandson and many Mexican Chinese relatives in Mexico as well.

Our Brown revolutionary struggle as a whole within the Diaspora is about being totally against external and internal adversaries who seek our demise for the language we speak, our culture and the color of our skin, among other things that are not “American” enough for this nation’s white supremacist malcontents. Make no mistake! Our self-hating puppet manipulated and “confused” enemies even look like NOSOTROS too…, and they even live within our midst! These renegade traitors sometimes call themselves HI-spanic Americans! Some of these miscreants even refuse to also acknowledge their own culture or to even speak Espanol! What a shame!        

There have been news media documented cases reported from undocumented immigrants themselves who have claimed on many occasions how Arizona’s state municipalities have ordered the utility (light, gas, water, telephone services, etc.)  Companies to follow their “new” policies as they have ordered their utility field workers to refuse service on anyone who looks Brown, “suspicious” and cannot show proof of citizenship. There has also been news reports how most, but not all, of the white citizens of Alabama have been known to verbally spew their race hatred and to even physically attacking with impunity anyone whom they deem or “suspect” are “Brown illegal people” as fair game. This warped mindset of racism by these self-low esteemed white ignorant American “patriots” can be equaled with the same behavior in comparison to the days of WW II, how the German Nazis during Adolf Hitler’s reign of terror attacked its own German born Jewish citizens and non-citizens. Hmmmm…, this sounds like a very like a very familiar reign of terror that is already taking place in America today in 2014! No doubt, certain race hating Americans have taken its cue from the days of Nazi Germany over 73 years ago.

Children, citizens and non-citizens alike of the undocumented have come home physically beaten up by their own fellow white public school classmates. Many of these white school children no doubt apparently have mimicked and learned their lessons very “good” from their own bigoted parents at home. These white kids are influenced by their parents whom they see and hear them spew their racial ethnic slurs against others who are “different”. The ironic part of all this as has been reported by the Latino students themselves is that while they are being physically abused or otherwise directly attacked, their own teachers or other parents in the premises, just look on or turn the other way with complicity and do nothing to stop this violence against these innocent school children of the undocumented! Many of these children are undocumented themselves too. This is what many white school children and older youth, but not all, are being taught by their parents at home in the Deep South and throughout the rest of America today..., “to hate those who do not look like you!” Children of these white bigoted parents grow in the same mold how their parents nurture them. “De tal estilla…, tal semilla!” (“From the same ilk…, the same seed!”)

HIS-story repeats itself in America today against Raza for the color of our skin which is no different than what happened more than 60 years ago in Black America, “the land of the free, the brave and equal opportunities”…, yea right! Innocent children of ALL colors, including poor white children, are obviously as a matter of fact, NOT born racists! Children of decades ago as is the case today, no doubt were then taught to hate at home and at their all white segregated public schools to discriminate against Black children in the ole deep South BLACK JIM CROW days as has been currently espoused in 2014 against the “new” millennium’s updated Brown Spanish speaking scapegoat victims ala;  …,  BROWN JUAN CROW ANTI-IMMIGRANT TERRORISM IN AMERICA TODAY!

Children of bigoted parents are taught like child abuse…, it’s hereditary, ugly and contagious! Racism, xenophobia and ignorance is passed on to their parents offspring and so on to no end!  This type of behavior becomes a progressive family non-ending malady on their part. …that’s the sad part of humanity’s complete downfall in America if this pattern of concern continues to prevail throughout this great planet of ours in which we ALL share…, REGARDLESS! Humanity is already on collision course to self obliteration if no one takes the first step to eradicate illiteracy, hunger, poverty and racism! Those who do not heed this warning are apt to view this as a fictional rant and raving hysteria, but all one has to understand is to take into account of the continuous abuses on the civil and human rights by the white ruling powers that be in Occupied America against non-white men, women and children without regards to the human race!

To make matters worse, it’s very sad to hear that many undocumented immigrants residing in these hatemongering Southern states, (…and not necessarily only in these Southern states), fear possible deportations and are now making contingency plans as to where and with whom they will be able if at all possible, leave their children with in case of their own worst case scenario of being picked up, arrested during roundups or stopped for minor vehicle infractions and deported! These are the same exact contingency plans the German Jews made for their own children during the brutal and murderous Nazi Hitler regime! Et tu America?!
Alabama, like many other surrounding U.S. Southern states, it was not too many decades ago as 50-60 years ago, how Black Americans were subjugated to inhumane and indignant apartheid / segregation “laws”, solely for their Black skin color. In spite that they too were also American born citizens, yet, they were still not worthy of being “American” enough! These are the same Alabama, Arizona and other states that in present update 2014 are re-enacting the same dejavu segregationist 1960s “laws” that are subjugating Brown people to racial discrimination against OUR culture, language, national origins and skin color! In the final analysis, today, many young and not too young revolutionary resistance Chicano activists are acquiring an ever so growing powerful weapon…, SELF-DETERMINATION. REVOLUTIONARY RESISTANCE AND EDUCATION!

Throughout Aztlan and beyond Occupied America, young Brown Proud Chicanos, men, women and children, American born, including the children of undocumented immigrant parents or undocumented children  themselves who were brought to this country, no fault of their own of course,  have aggressively come out of “hiding” and are no longer living frighten and in the shadows. They are now more outspoken and determined to educate themselves rather than conform to the old stereotypical minimum wage factory worker status or become part of the school dropout unproductive Brown segment of society. At the same time, I warn our diehard adversaries in no uncertain terms, not to mistake our peaceful non-violent demeanor…, for weakness! Otherwise there will come a day when “The Brown Sleeping Giant” will have no recourse alternative, but to respond in kind if we are attacked in any shape, form or manner! WE are now the Tsunami Wave majority who are already in the process of drowning “them” unto oblivion…, not of our own making. If our adversaries believe this is just an illusion and wishful thinking, then I say; “just step out of your own Neanderthal caves and smell the frijoles, boys!

Many revolutionary minded  Raza, myself included, have always identified historically with our Palestinian brethren in their own liberation struggle to eradicate the criminal apartheid Zionist estate of “Israel” and it’s illegal squatting inhabitants by any and ALL means necessary and to the last Jihadist consequences if need be! Mean spirited America! WE Raza are The “New” Brown Palestinians of Occupied America! Our Chicano / Mexican colonization by the force of arms on this North American continent by Euro-Americans is the exact parallel and analogy of other colonized nations of color, including our suffering Occupied Palestinian brothers and sisters in the Diaspora! Their (Palestinians) intifada (struggle) against their (our) criminal Zionist “Israeli” enemies in Palestine is no different in the absolute than our front and center anti-immigrant anti-Raza lucha (struggle) against our occupying Euro-American racist xenophobe enemies on this anti-immigrant warmongering ungrateful nation! Occupied Palestine = Occupied Aztlan!

These aforementioned Confederate Southern active segregationist Republican controlled states in progress are also duplicating the exact and similar same “Der Juden” (“The Jews”) mantra that Adolf Hitler also decreed against ALL Jews, regardless of their citizenship status! These Southern states, including Arizona, not a Southern state, are in unison today, repeating the same white supremacist Aryan rhetoric mantra; “Der Mexicans” = S.B. 1070, S.B.56 and other race hatred enacted anti-immigration “laws”. During the rise of Germany’s Nazi regime during the mid 1930s and 40’s, the Jews used to say about the Nazi‘s rising presence; “If you ignore them, they will go away!” Sadly but true…, those Nazis never went away. As HIS-story tends to mimic itself, the question WE must ask of ourselves; are these American white supremacist powers that be and their mercenary lackeys of color…, will they eventually adhere to their race hatred call against NOSOTROS? Will WE be prepared to repel them off in self-defense when it’s OUR turn? In the final outcome, will it be OUR survival…, or theirs?


Apartheid Alabama, Georgia, Arizona and other anti-immigrant racist xenophobe states are not going to go away any time soon…, unless WE RAZA and other people of good conscience, regardless of ethnicity, stand up and fight “them” back as one united revolutionary front! And to what extremes will our diehard enemies go to provoke us to the boiling point of no return? If this “hypothetical” worst case scenario ever becomes a fact of life one day in the not too distant future, (May Allah forbid!), we will have no other alternative but to take self-defense measures at any and at ALL costs…, if we are to survive “their” attacks! I don’t want to sound like an alarmist writing nonsense, but nevertheless we must be prepared for the unexpected moment where there might come a day of an actual RACE WAR…., not provoked by us. If we do not guard our own domain perimeters, the enemy camp will attempt to come to our front steps of our own immediate barrio streets! Will WE be ready?! Will YOU be ready?!

This worst case scenario previously mentioned sounds very alarmist in nature and probably too extreme for others, but I leave this to you the reader’s own imagination if the time ever becomes the only alternative left to meet our enemy’s challenge. If this comes to pass, then how are NOSOTROS going to react when “they” start attacking our Brown communities? Who knows, maybe one day it will become the last resort as we draw the line on the sand…, no ifs or buts! Oh…, perish the thought! But then again, when the oppressors oppress the oppressed by pushing us against the wall, the result end with no alternative option left against a desperate enemy aggressor, there is no turning back!

As it is, our zealot adversaries have already seen “the writing on the walls” how their days of dominance and privilege are numbered as their own white Euro-American population is dwindling unto oblivion. “They” have known this for decades and know their days of imperial dominance are coming to a close with the curtains coming down on their last chapter. , but at this point in time the enemy camp is not willing to neither resign nor accept this FACT of life! At the same time it’s no accident by Mother Nature why Brown people and others of color are overwhelming “them”…, population wise! This ever so growing of the “mud people” (people of color), as our enemies like to refer us, is the biggest threat as their impending American “Waterloo” (Defeat) is approaching on the horizon! This is a demographic FACT of life they cannot avoid, even if their own white narrow minded bigoted lives depended on it!    
Many Latino leaders have also compared Arizona’s S.B. 1070 “law” similarly to the Japanese American internment decree; Alien Registration Act of 1940, Proclamation No. 2537 during World War II. American born Japanese Americans were sent to “internment camps” (concentration camps), but not the American born Italians or Germans! It’s no accident or coincidence how the white American powers that be have HIS-torically and to present day, have ALWAYS reacted with brutally against any and all non-white people on a continental and on a global scale if they resist…, and always with brutal armed military occupation forces! This has been their Euro-Centric hereditary centuries old conditioning within their inborn and inbred inner instinct of a savage infidel mindset to CONQUER, PILLAGE, PLUNDER, ENSLAVE AND COMMIT GENOCIDE on non-white people throughout America and on a global scale without regards to other peoples national sovereignty since their initial arrival on the Mayflower to present day Iraq, Afghanistan and others to follow! …And America has no shame! NADA!
Thank goodness the majority of decent progressive Anglo non-racist people today in this nation have shed their ancient arrogant white supremacist Viking horde legacy. Nevertheless, there is still a significant tiny, but nevertheless a very dangerous faction of American Neanderthals that have never left their 13th century Black Plagued nomadic wandering knuckle walking European cave men mentality which they are better known to date as, crackers, cracKKKahs, rednecks, Goobers, Possum eating Billy Bobs, Elly Maes, Moonshine gulpers, Turnip eating incest inbred types who still call their own mothers; “Sister Ma Yokum” or their daddies; “Uncle Jeb”! They are also known as; THE UGLY AMERICANS! In cut and dry terms, there will come a day when our zealot racist xenophobe enemies will have to be dealt with, otherwise WE are doomed to failure if this warning is not heeded! Word…!

Not too long ago, Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn and Congressman Jared Polis of Colorado, both said the law’s requirement in certain states to carry identification papers all the time was reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s anti-Jewish hysteria, Pre-Nelson Mandela apartheid South Africa and today’s state of Arizona’s fascist police state in progress. Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles said, “I can’t imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation.”

The American based Zionist pro “Israeli” Jewish Anti-Defamation League called for an end to the comparisons with Nazi Germany, saying that no matter how odious or unconstitutional the Arizona law might be, it did not compare to the role that Nazi identity cards played in what eventually became the extermination of European Jews. (Sigh!) Yes, leave it to these rightwing pro-apartheid Zionist American Jews who ardently support and give lip service to the criminal now dead as a doorknob, (Good riddance!), Ariel Sharon, the Sabra and Shatila, Lebanon, infamous butcher from the estate of the criminal apartheid Zionist “Israel” as they ALWAYS bark their racist rhetoric and cry out for their beloved made up fictional entity; “Oh Israel! Oh Israel!”

This criminal so called Zionist “Israel” was founded with the blood of the Palestinian people, starting with the massacre at Deir Yassin, a small Palestinian village. In 1948, the Zionist Jews led by two Jewish terrorist organizations, The Lehi (Haganah) and The Irgun, whose leaders were none other than the infamous # 1 & 2 assassin “Israeli” Zionists, Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin! Both were responsible for this village massacre on April 9, 1948 of over 600, but cover up revisionists today still down play it to only 107, defenseless men, women and children! These Zionist terrorists tried to bury their victims to cover their atrocities, but were later exposed. These two specific terrorist “leaders” later became this so called “Israel’s” Prime Ministers! This is Zionist “Israel’s” 1948 bloody “founding” HIS-story that will NEVER be able to erase from their hands!


These Zionist “Israeli” Jews today are still oppressing and murdering the indigenous Palestinian people in their own land of Palestine! It’s unfortunate that these ashkeNAZI Zionist Jews who were not too long ago, (almost 75 years ago), the oppressed in Nazi Germany during WW II…., are now themselves mimicking their former Nazi German Aryan camp slave masters! Oh wait! OMG! I forgot that these Anti Defamation League adherents are also of European “contaminated” stock as well! What HYPOCRISY of these fascist rightwing Zionist Jewish criminals! This is why there is more reason for ALL oppressed people in America and throughout the globe that should try to understand why the Palestinians and other oppressed peoples wars of attrition are also part of our own mutual struggle for own liberation as well from our common Euro-American colonizing enemies who do not look like NOSOTROS!


Your Comments Are Appreciated At:
 La Reconquista de Aztlan Movement
Face Book: E.f. Mohammed Martinez
(Yezka Flores – Assigned Editor-In-Chief)

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