Thursday, January 9, 2014


On April 23, 2010, the white supremacist powers that be in the state of Arizona aka Occupied America, enacted their most evil and sinister blatant racist xenophobe anti-immigrant declaration of war against ALL Spanish speaking RAZA, American citizens and non-citizens alike, via S.B. 1070 which would had made ole German and Italian dictators, Adolf Hitler  and Benito “El Duce” (“El Du-Che”) Mussolini, glee with joy to see how their North American continental “off spring” counter parts are carrying on Hitler’s 1000 year *Third Reich  dream come true today. No sooner Arizona’s S.B. 1070 was made into “law”, that the deep Confederate Southern state of Alabama, known for its notorious historical 1950/60s segregationist (apartheid) state of mind which former Governor, George Wallace and Birmingham’s Chief of Police, Eugene “Bull” Connor were staunch adherents segregation in the Confederate South. This particular state also introduced their own version, H.B. 56, but not leaving Georgia and other Southern run states behind. Texas Republican rightwing extremist Tea Party poster boy and hardcore anti-immigrant zealot stalwart, U.S. Senator, Ted Cruz, a rabid foaming at his mouth, Canadian born “Cuban” immigrant himself, is not too far behind to do everything possible, at the behest of his extremist fellow party colleagues to dismantle and obstruct anything and everything that has to do with President Barack Obama’s Immigration Reform legislation. Word of caution RAZA throughout Aztlan (California to Texas)…, please, by all means, DO NOT let your guard down! As long as those Tea Party Republicans are in power, Brown people in general, but especially our undocumented immigrants, will ALWAYS be at risk of being part of the “new and improved” massive Brown Jim Crow (Segregation=Apartheid) war cry …; “let’s git them thar messcans” racist hysteria!
*(Third Reich: German word that could be roughly translated as "nation".or "realm)
Make no mistake. Like true hungry vultures perched on telephone wires, our bigoted adversaries can always be found salivating for their next victims…, “those Mexicans!” Its important to note that due to many, but not all, because of the ignorance of diverse Latin American cultures and demographics, close minded Anglo Americans cannot distinguish between Mexicans and other Brown people from their own respective countries, i.e., Central, South America and of other Spanish speaking Caribbean Island nations.
 Our extremist bigoted adversaries always make their presence known publicly and privately throughout this nation either through their rightwing political machine and/or physical crimes of hate attacks on people of color whom they believe are not “American” enough because of their national origins, language they speak, color of their skin, political persuasion, etc. They are also your local much despised abhorrent I.C.E. (Immigration Customs & Enforcement) Border Patrol “migra” agents, including their Black, Brown and other “Indian Scouts” of color. The border “law enforcement” agencies are viewed like one’s typical local dog catchers on the prey!
The Washington D.C. Republican Tea Party Congressional “law maker’s” mean spirited zealot adherents will always attempt to do everything possible to impede Brown people from voting through their racist “Voter I.D. Laws”, because their greatest fear is because we Raza are the new Brown Tsunami Wave that is already drowning them in their vomit of bigotry and ignorance of their own volition. America’s powers that be had their chance…, but they blew it! When their own “legislated” voter suppression “laws” in Florida during the 2000 elections, Al Gore vs George Bush was implemented against our Black brethren there, over 5,000 Black voters were made “felons” overnight! This sinister political underhanded tactic by the Republicans was put into action to prevent candidate Al Gore from obtaining the Black majority vote. The Republican powers that be in America are good with devising their most evil and sinister “laws” to circumvent the U.S. Constitution! They Republicans love the U.S. Constitution, but hate those who do not look like “them” to adhere to it! However, I all fairness, let’s not forget that there are also “democrats” I name only, but vote as closet Republicans too. They are known as “Dixiecrats”.   
To present day, our enemies have never ceased their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, a century’s old ala Manifest Destiny mantra, especially today against people of color like NOSOTROS, according to their own American version of national De Jure (Legal) apartheid ANTI-IMMIGRANT JUAN CROW “legislation”! Watch out gente! There are many of our “brown” Coconut HI-spanics who beg to differ: “Oh no! I’m not a person of color! I’m white because my birth certificate says so!” …And what’s even worse, is that these HI-spanics have bought into the big American LIE of “assimilation”! Many of these self-hating “brown” Lemmings refuse to speak their native Spanish language or even acknowledge their own culture. Some even bleach their own dark Brown skin and dye their hair blond and so forth. They really are in the false belief they are truly “white”! Yea…, right! Pleeeease! This is just like Brother Malcolm X described in his autobiography book some decades ago. He narrated how some self-hating Black Americans “conked” their hair in spite of the painful and humiliating kinky hair “straightening” process, just to mimic their white slave masters! Ignorant and confused self-denigrating people will never liberate themselves from the chains they are imprisoned…, until they educate themselves to free themselves!
I dare bigoted xenophobe anti-immigrant America “the brave” to deny their own dark revisionist  HIS-story of pillage, plunder, slavery, stealing of Mexican lands and crimes against humanity on a national and globally, which speaks repeatedly in true form for itself. All one has to do is just listen to rightwing “conservative” radio, Fox “News” television, Rush “Lobotomy” Rush, Sean “Insanity” Hannity and countless other rightwing likeminded media local and national media mouthpieces on a daily basis who spew their race hatred venom on the airwaves to no end 24/7. Even their own public school textbooks today, are unabashedly sugar coated with their subtle vehement hatred against Black, Brown and other people of color in the Diaspora. Their racial hatred is in the old rhetoric guise; “that was then and this now” mantra. Let’s not forget the authentic American HIS-story as to what took place a few hundred years ago during the old South during slavery days in the 1800s and up to the segregationist pre Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, in spite of this “1964 Civil Rights Act”, the Congressional ruling class and their followers still continue to violate this “law” even today! …NOTHING HAS CHANGED! The only “difference” in modern day 2014 is that WE are the “new and improved” BROWN JIM CROW! It’s our Brown turn now! Will there be a Brown “2014 Civil Rights Act” legislation for NOSOTROS this time around?
White racist xenophobe Americans, but not all, have no respect nor treat NOSOTROS as a people of color as their equals, and WE do not expect “them” to do so any time soon or in the future…, unless WE stand our ground and fight “them” to the last consequences if need be! Our liberation from our racist oppressors is not cheap…, its earned and merited by those who believe and partake in their own liberation!  WE must also view our adversaries for what they are, a terminal walking cancer…, they have no cure in sight! Sad but true, but most of this racism is perpetuated and supplemented with brutal force by this nation’s police state “law enforcement” local police departments with their brutal beatings to bloody murders with impunity by those badge and gun toting rogue miscreant dully sworn cops. Who are their “new” frenzy targets? …The vulnerable and defenseless Brown undocumented immigrants from South of the American border…, Mexico, Central and Central America, the Caribbean island nations and beyond! The question I ask you readers; has anyone ever noticed how the anti-undocumented anti- immigrant zealot legislative powers that be, NEVER focuses on their white Euro-Canadian undocumented immigrant brethren from the North side of the U.S. border?! In all reality I do not expect the U.S. Republican powers that be and others of their ilk to do so!
 The majority of our undocumented immigrant victims of crime and/or of police abuses against them will not even bother nor hesitate to report these civil rights violations or crimes of hate by non-Latino private citizens, for fear of being arrested, detained and even deported themselves. To the undocumented it’s a no win dilemma for these victims. In many instances, the majority of the undocumented do not trust their local police agencies which to their own self-survival instincts and conventional wisdom, they equally equate ALL the police departments to I.C.E. (Immigration, Customs and Enforcement) and the much hated migra Border Patrol agents. Without exceptions, but with few instances, most local police departments throughout the U.S. are notoriously known for their documented brutalities and murders against undocumented immigrants and other people of color, citizens and non-citizens alike, which result generally with judicial impunity as “justified”. These incidents have also been documented endlessly by the English and Spanish language American local and national news media.
Like in everything within our American society and in all fairness, it’s important to note that not all cops adhere to this specific racist state of siege mentality. Documented, there are also quite a few “by the book” police officers who have been retaliated against and even terminated from the police force for speaking out against their fellow officers whom they themselves have witnessed violating the rights of the people whom they have taken an oath to serve and protect the people they serve as well. The nationally famed of just not too long ago, the late former Los Angeles Police Department police officer, Christopher Doren, paid with his own life for exposing the truth about police corruption and their racism within his former L.A.P.D. colleagues and department heads. Oh…, and he was a Black cop too! Need I say more?
In reality folks, this is not a figment of our imagination today as to why our anti-immigrant enemies continue to “paint brush” and scapegoat todos NOSOTROS, citizens and non-citizens alike, as we are blamed for almost everything that ails America’s own social, economic and their bigoted racial ills. White Anglo Saxon Protestant America had good teachers from Adolf Hitler’s initial rise to power during the 1930s. Hitler used this same ruse against the German Jews as he spewed his “Der Juden” (“The Jews”) anti-immigrant racist hysteria against its own German Jewish undocumented citizens and native born citizens alike. Et Tu America the free…? …Or is it? Our ever so diehard American fascist enemies have seen the “writing on the walls” of their impending crumbling *Manifest Destiny empire as a once former Euro-American domain which they cannot and will never accept their inevitable miserable defeat as fait accompli…, THE BROWNING OF AMERICA! People of color in this nation, particularly RAZA, are already bull dozing those once “WHITES ONLY” subtle and outright enclaves!
**(Manifest Destiny = White Anglo Saxon Protestant religious HIS-torical belief of domination of non-white nations through forced settlements and brute force and genocide if necessary. Analogy = Modern day apartheid criminal enemy Zionist “Israel in Occupied Palestine.).
Because of OUR perseverance and self-determination to regain the land of Aztlan (California to Texas), a land which rightfully was once ours, our adversaries have come to realize the sad truth that awaits them in the near future that they can no longer hide, run or hold on to their white power structure anymore as America is changing into diverse colors…, and there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop the inevitable! They can no longer ignore NOSOTROS as a “non-existent” people nor “tapar el sol con un dedo” (“hide the sun with one finger”)! WE are everywhere and WE are not going anywhere any time soon either! In the final analysis, if anyone will have to leave this occupied Indigenous Native land, are those malcontent bigoted interloping European miscreants whose ancestors ILLEGALLY washed ashore on this North American continent as their descendants today seek our demise as a Brown native people and other oppressed people of color! The ONLY thing I historically blame our Indigenous Native brethren is when these savage infidel Europeans washed ashore off the Mayflower, is that they did not ask these ungrateful “pilgrims…: “papers please?!”
The jurisprudence (Theory and philosophy of law.) make up of the U.S. Supreme Court justice system at this point in time is controlled mostly by the “conservative” (fascist) rightwing faction, aka “The Judicial Black Robe Mob Gangsters”, alongside with their “honorary”, obedient, beck and call emasculated infamous RACE TRAITOR valet plantation overseer house kneegrow, “Justice”, Clarence Thomas. Yet, in spite of the U.S. Supreme Court’s eventual striking down apartheid Arizona’s S.B.1070, racial profiling not too long ago, it is still the “law of the land” which at whim, nevertheless, this segregationist mindset state was given a “license” to all of their municipal and state police “law enforcement” agencies to discriminate. Arizona, the bedrock of America’s open door white supremacy, has its most hated white segregationist, Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe “Bull Connor” Arpaio, whom is the focal point of attention to this nation in crisis when it comes to modern day American homegrown outright racist xenophobia and fascism in your face! In spite of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling, Arpaio wasted no time to continue his infamous and notorious targeting by rounding up ALL “suspicious” looking Brown people as his Brown Shirt goons with guns and badges, arrested RAZA from their work places, homes in the middle of the day and night, at random off the streets and throughout the county without regards for any civil or human rights protection as the law of the land prescribes under the U.S. Constitution to ALL alike. “If you’re Brown…, ya te jodistes!” (“You’re done for!”)
The state of Arizona is notoriously known by most RAZA who are involved in the struggle as modern day ***Pre-Nelson Mandela South Africa’s “Apartheid Arizona”. This is no different than what the now late most revered South African President; Nelson Mandela had to endure almost throughout his life, especially during his almost three decades in prison within his own native birth place nation. I will always eternally perceive white colonized America whom I adamantly accuse of HIS-torically launching a Coup D’ Etat against ALL native peoples as it continues to this very day on a local, state and national level by emulating Arizona’s S.B.1070 with their anti-undocumented immigrant American style  apartheid “laws”! I accuse the U.S. Supreme Court Judges for giving Arizona the green light and to other Vulture minded states to discriminate wholesale against any and all “suspicious looking” Brown people who fit their racial profile, especially against those who have been discriminated against and have spoken out counter to America’s national apartheid and hostilities towards those who do not look Euro-American enough for “them” or speak their European language…, English!
***(My then three small children and I went to see and hear many years ago the then just released political prisoner who was incarcerated for almost 30 years at the standing room only  Los Angeles Coliseum, the late father of South Africa, the most revered, Nelson Mandela. To this day, I still consider Mandela’s presence then as a lifetime unforgettable family event.)
It’s important for NUESTROS pueblos en pie de lucha to understand that no one is going to do anything for NOSOTROS…, except our own selves and no one else! This should and must be our number one priority in our vocabulary as a Brown people in the Diaspora from the day WE are born to our last breath of air on this earth. WE must NEVER depend on others to do for our gente if WE cannot do it ourselves. WE have no other recourse but to ORGANIZE and RESIST against our long time diehard racist xenophobe enemies which there is a lesson to be learned from OUR Black brethren who fought against their former white ruled apartheid South African  rulers for many decades until they accomplished their own liberation.
(Aztlan National Congress = African National Congress)
The suffering Arab Palestinian people are still waging their own liberation struggle against the invading criminal Zionist “Israeli” Jewish hordes that have no right to exist as an entity in Occupied Palestine. Nuestra lucha in Aztlan and throughout is no different than the rest of our other oppressed brethren of color here in the U.S. and other nations, including Northern Ireland in the same breath as us Raza! My own personal perspective view on this sad outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling was not of joy but of dismay and to caution ourselves at all costs to be on guard at ALL times from our diehard unrelenting racist enemy attacks on our people! As long as our anti-Raza enemy forces continue to seek the demise of our Brown communities and beyond, unfortunately, I foresee a possible forthcoming massive civil disobedience of attrition throughout the streets of America and within the belly of the beast judicial halls of “justice” for many years to come. If WE fail to UNITE as one pueblo and as one fighting force to be reckoned with against OUR diehard foes, there is no way we can ever turn back the clock of being the eternal Brown colonized people in segregated America! “It’s not easy to understand and realize that WE ARE NOW IN A STATE OF A DE JURE (JUDICIAL) RACE WAR…, PERIOD! “…, for starters!
 “…And those rednecks out there making decisions for the betterment of their own communities will think twice before they push forward with their anti-immigrant legislation against our communities! You can be as revolutionary as you want, you can be Chicano nationalist…, you can believe in the concept of Aztlan…, you can believe in the concept of multiculturalism…, we don’t have to give our lives…, we are not at that point (yet), but we can give a little!”
-Fabian Nunez
Former Speaker of California State Assembly.

Note From Author: 
I would like to hear your commentaries at;
Face Book: E.f. Mohammed Martinez

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