It’s not surprising as the townspeople of Murrieta, California’s white supremacists have demonstrated to the nation and the world over who have witnessed on their media screens the worst of AmeriKKKan “humanity” for what it’s worth in the U.S. that has to offer with their exposed authentic attitude and behavior towards those who do not look like “them”…, especially Brown innocent minor CHILDREN! To the world in its entirety I say to them; “Welcome to AmeriKKKan apartheid Brown Juan Cuervo (Jim Crow)" where racism and fascism is still alive and well at this point in time throughout this nation which our anti-Raza xenophobe (Fear of the unknown) enemies call ‘…The land of the brave and the free’!” In my personal opinion, AmeriKKKa and its white racist xenophobe two legged larva “people” can simply and unceremoniously shove their Red, White and Blue piece of rag they call “Ole Glory” up their cracKKKah hate filled extremist traseros (asses), for lack of a better street barrio term as far as I am unapologetically concerned!
To these cracKKKah knuckle walking gringo Neanderthals, have NEVER acknowledged the existence of “those” people of color, Red, Brown and Black who also happen to be the original inhabitants of this continent “they” colonized by the force of arms since arriving from Europe several centuries ago as “they” term themselves as the “founders of America” when actually “they” committed PILLAGE, PLUNDER, BLACK SLAVERY, THE ALMOST EXTERMINATION OF THE NATIVE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, JAPANESE AMERICAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS, STEALING OF MEXICAN LANDS (AZTLAN) AND OTHER CONTINENTAL AND GLOBAL ATROCITIES…, all in the name of “AmeriKKKan democracy”!
These same Euro-AmeriKKKans have ALWAYS lived with a state of siege mindset with deep suspicion towards people of color with a “benign” plutocracy (government controlled by the ruling wealthy class) apartheid system which they call “the free enterprise system” which in all reality all it is in its naked form…, is the exploitation of the American working class in general aka CAPITALISM! However, ot to get out of the subject issue at hand, but it’s important to note that AmeriKKKan capitalism is seeing it’s “best” days coming to a halt as the new generation of the working class in this nation are now more educated, politically minded and taking corporate AmeriKKKa to task as they are a growing stronger resistance people to be reckoned with who are no longer tolerating their working meager wages and exploitation lot anymore! The working class in America is also now demanding, not asking, for higher living wages of up to $15.00 an hour and higher! I wouldn’t doubt the white working class members of the Concerned Citizens Council (KKK) are “piggy backing” from the gains of the working class in the struggle!
Today’s classic living example of modern day ongoing racism and fascism can be traced to the blue eye Devil sons of an extremist rightwing co-founder of the ultra right wing John Birch Society…, the Koch Brothers and other of their ultra wealthy adherent ilk. Many in this nation, myself included, highly suspect the RepublicKKKlansmen Koch Brothers had something to do with “influencing” ($$$) the U.S. Supreme Court “Justices” to be swayed in favor to “vote” in favor to make Corporate AmeriKKKa be considered as “people”. Rightwing Corporate AmeriKKKa can now dictate who can rule this po piss nation of incest inbred CracKKKah small hick run townships (Murrieta, Ca.) to the biggest cities with impunity by spending their BILLION$$$ without limit ala CORPORATE AmeriKKKa FOR SALE!
Having said this, since day one when a Black man, U.S. President, Barack H. Obama aka “The Chief Reporter” of undocumented immigrants, was popularly elected with 71% of La Raza whom today that same percentage is totally disappointed for voting for him in 2008 and 2012, nevertheless, those race hating simmering Satan’s white racist offspring from within the earth’s deep crevices they call “home”, all of a sudden this nation’s Neanderthal ultra-nationalist AmeriKKKan two legged dog lice larva and their super rich vermin filth sponsors (Koch Brothers, et al.) decided to burrow themselves out from down under their own bottom pit excrement filled Maggot infested outhouses along with a few of their lackey mercenary whore$ of “color” for hire, i.e., hacienda “brown” peon tail wagging lap dogs with the likes of a one Raymond Herrera, a Minutemen member which I have had previous several confrontation encounters with this COWARD who was seen taking part with the Murrieta mob, (which I saw him on the news feeds), and the roaming Stepnfetchit plantation house kneegrow, *Ted Hayes, another Minutemen member married to a white woman whom I have also personally crossed words with him a few years ago at the former “Occupation L.A.” city hall’s front steps, as he called his fellow white supremacist Minutemen terrorist colleagues; “…They’re my brothers!”
Yes, these RACE TRAITORS of “color” are still out there alright, including Herrera whom my close sources have confirmed that they saw him there in person and was last seen on the news media “protesting” alongside with his Murrieta white slave masters attacking those CHILDREN too! Yes, there is no doubt their gringo slave masters have their own useful RACE TRAITOR self-hating rabid guard dogs of “color” whom they unleash against their own Black and Brown people too. (As of late, Paul Rodriguez, the comedian and actor has also just come out against these Central American CHILDREN as well on CNN and other Spanish language media. I have initiated a Face Book “BOYCOTT PAUL RODRIGUEZ THE RACE TRAITOR COMMITTEE!”)
Make no mistake! Our enemies have exposed their Manifest Destiny agenda without shame for the world to witness without shame! The news media in both languages have reported that the KKK has been on a campaign to “recruit” members for their white supremacist organization. It would not surprise me in the least bit if this is connected to the white Concerned Citizens Council (KKK) from Murrieta in Riverside KKKounty and its adjacent San Bernardino KKKounty are notoriously known for these and other Neo-Nazi entities thrive out of their own Satan’s sewers!
The “new” and “improved” Klaner Klown Knight Riders of AmeriKKKa are not lynching Brown folks…, at least not yet that I know of! Oh no! Murrieta, California’s Mayor, Alan “The Grand Wizard” Long and his fellow KKKlaner townsfolk outright attacked enmasse 140 defenseless undocumented immigrant minor CHILDREN while inside the ICE (Immigration, Customs & Enforcement) buses from ages of five years old and on up without concern for their safety! These enemies showed absolutely no concern or compassion for these CHILDREN as this incident was widely witnessed on a national and world much publicized aggressive and physical attacks like wild white dogs gone on a frenzy rampage! The defenders of these traumatized CHILDREN on the three ICE buses were also attacked themselves in the fray. This exact Murrieta, California white lynch mob mentality reminded me of almost 60 years ago how Black Americans were attacked and hosed down with high pressure fire hoses in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and throughout the Deep South during the Black Jim Crow segregation era! …NOTHING HAS CHANGED!
What the nation and the entire world witnessed without denial on July 1, 2014 in Murrieta, California in Riverside county was “White Racist America Gone Wild” as they attacked with sheer racial hatred against three ICE (Immigration, Customs and Enforcement) busloads with 140 children! Aa few of them were accompanied by their mothers! The behavior of these rabid racist xenophobe extremists were no different like those animals on the loose at Wild Kingdom Park as the visitors roll up their windows so the animals do not attack them. The only difference was that the rabid snarling and barking white two legged wild animals on the loose of Murrieta got close to their “prey” (CHILDREN) as “they” were snarling with full of racial hatred at the behest of their KKKlaner KKKlown town’s Grand Wizard, Mayor, Alan Long. There is absolute no doubt the local white townsfolk were behaving much worse than the real animals at Wild Kingdom! At least the animals at Wild Kingdom are kept in their own environment…, what’s the Murrieta enemy camp’s excuse, hmmmmm….?!
If Murrieta, California’s white segregationist apartheid mindset townspeople are not related to the same former segregationist Deep South incest inbred kinfolk from that era of 60 years ago “they” sure fooled me alright! It seems this Murrieta white vermin filth was short of wearing the exact replica of their own mother’s “stained” white bed sheets and two holed pillow cases without missing a beat! I swear ole Adolf Hitler was standing upright from his grave in hell with a clapping ovation and giving “them” his Nazi parade review right upper hand snap Nazi salute from his purgatory lair with Herr Satan himself at his side! I guess it must be just a figment of my imagination, but the Murrieta KKKlan lynching mob must’ve been wearing their KKKlan regalia under their “civilian” clothes all the while partaking during their Blitzkrieg (Sudden overwhelming attack.) against those CHILDREN! It’s no mistake to doubt this was a KKKlaner KKKlown KKKnight Rider operation with Mayor Long directing his goose stepping townsfolk from his Murrieta Bundestag (City Hall) bunker!
The Murrieta enemy camp was no doubt mimicking and reliving their roots of their previous generations whence most of “them” probably hailed from…, the Deep Southern Black Jim Crow segregation of yesteryear. It was obvious by their actions against these CHILDREN as to how “they” still yearn for those abhorrent Black apartheid bygone days! Nevertheless, Black and Brown America must be very cautious of these Euro-AmeriKKKan reprehensible slithering snake types with their present behavior against our communities! …That’s their “Billy Bob” backwoods mindset legacy. Oh yea! They’re out there in the open like perched hungry vultures looking for their next prey. These Murrieta miscreants are dying out of their own miserable existence…and “they” it! Our present Black and Brown demographics are the proven FACT! These loser cracKKKah vermin can also be found hibernating under rocks and city sewers like fermenting Maggots and as flies on Satan’s pile of his own excrement. Our enemies are cognizant that there a Black U.S. Presidents (Barack Obama) and thereby there is no white pale faced U.S. President to account to. So racist whitey is in the erroneous belief there is no one to stop them and there is no white President they have to account to for their hatemongering behavior at large against our Raza or any other people of color for that matter. On the contrary, “they” feel free to hate and attack non-white people with impunity as “Christian” AmeriKKKaners to terrorize without abatement with their centuries old Manifest Destiny (19th Century American territorial expansionism) without abatement against those “mud people” (people of color) as local “law” enforcement either looks the other way or simply partake with them too.
The “good white Christian people” of Murrieta, California has unleashed their semi-dormant white power sentiments as “they” have always held, but had been waiting for their right moment to pounce on their victims (The CHILDREN on the ICE buses) at the first opportunity available to act on it with no one to stop them! Now that “they” have acted on it recently…, the Murrieta anti-immigrant cracKKKahs feel they have that God given right ala Manifest Destiny! As “they” made their attacks on the minor innocent CHILDREN…, the Murrieta local police did not lift a finger to prevent the white mob on the frenzy! This racist mob incident by the white Murrieta mob riot is just exactly what took place against Black Americans more than 60 years ago during those apartheid AmeriKKKan segregation Deep South Jim Crow days!
This kind of blatant race hatred by white supremacists such as the “Concerned Citizens Council” (KKK in disguise) version type of adherent Murrieta townspeople and from other parts of this nation are not an isolated case of race hating white supremacists who continue to ooze like a canker sore puss on a dying rabid dog. This enemy camp made up of terrified white rabid dogs foaming at their snouts who are seeing their own demise as “they” are unequivocally losing their white supremacist power structure on the immediate horizon. “They” fear that “Great Brown Tsunami Wave” that is already drowning “them” out of their own miserable existence as a whole! The white racist xenophobe enemies just cannot handle THE BROWNING OF AmeriKKKa that is besieging their po piss trailer park trash “empire”! Thereby, “they” have become a contaminated lethal health hazard liability to the survival of Black, Brown and Red oppressed people on this continent. AmeriKKKa had their chance at greatness…, but they blew it!
This kind of centuries old AmeriKKKan white supremacist Neanderthal mindset has ALWAYS existed since 1776 when “they” invaded this continent as interlopers by the force of arms and on to their own present day backwoods country hick towns which “they” can found on most outhouses full of bottom pit incest inbred Maggot larva wallowing in their own excrement like those vermin filth found in Murrieta, California. I hope this behavior of the Euro-AmeriKKKan Murrieta “uprising” of these subhuman white wild animals has been taken notice by the entire world within and outside of this Western hemisphere.
On many occasions I have asked myself if the world is aware or has it hardly ever noticed or witnessed the plight of an impending of all possibility a RACE WAR that is about to break out ala Balkanization of AmeriKKKa between the Brown Raza and other oppressed people of color against our diehard mortal enemy white supremacists throughout AmeriKKKa, particularly within the Southwestern border states of Aztlan (California to Texas). Our AmeriKKKan Minutemen terrorists have already made it perfectly clear this is exactly what is about to take place at the U.S./Mexico border in the very immediate future as I’m writing this column. Hmmmm…, I wonder if WE will be expecting any armed guerrilla resistance support from the Mexican drug cartels with their lethal “means” against our Minutemen enemies when this does become an actual RACE WAR!
It must be clearly understood that if and when this upcoming and impending RACE WAR on the horizon becomes a reality AmeriKKKa must understand that this RACE WAR is NOT of our own making! WE are ONLY resisting and reacting in self-defense for the survival of our Raza! Also, if and when our white enemies continue their attacks without abatement with their racist provocations as “they” are continuing at this point in time, our Raza will have no choice as our ONLY alternative will be to respond with…, EXTREME PREJUDICE in self-defense by any and ALL means necessary…, if need be!
On the other positive side of the equation of this horrendous racist incident in Murrieta, California, Riverside County that just took place, ironically, there was also a positive silver lining because these CHILDREN who were under attack on the ICE buses found out they were NOT alone as their own Raza and others of different colors, including good decent non-racist white people were out there on the front lines defending them too! I was proud of this aspect of our defense forces in behalf of these scared and traumatized CHILDREN and some mothers aboard with them as well. These children and their mothers on the buses were NOT Mexican undocumented immigrants! Oh no! …They were Central Americans! Que bueno! (That’s good!)
Why? The majority of the pro-immigrant protestors in behalf of these defenseless CHILDREN were Chicanos, Mexican born and from other Raza nations hailing throughout the Americas, including with mis respetos (my respects), the Chicano Mexican American singer, Lupillo Rivera, of renown in spite that he was spat upon and physically attacked while the Murrieta local police looked on and the English speaking media totally ignored when Rivera was being attacked by the white mob on the frenzy!
Rivera is of Mexican born parents and brother of our well beloved recently departed famous Chicana singer, **Jennie Rivera, (La Senora Diva) who was also a pro-immigrants advocate when she was alive. I saw a Univision Spanish language news clip where I heard Rivera shouting in reply as “they” were attacking his personal presence there by the enemy camp; “I pay more taxes than all of you put together!” …Bingo! I loved it!
I’m also certain and without a doubt this did not sit too well with Murrieta racist mob in spite that he was spat upon by our enemies. Yet, Rivera, like a good Chicano warrior, he brushed these verbal and physical attacks aside ala Martin Luther King 1960s Selma, Alabama when he too was spat and attacked by white racist segregationists, yet Rivera continued on to march on with his fellow protestors in defense of these CHILDREN who were no doubt deathly terrified not knowing why they were attacked by white people whom they had not done any harm to “them”. It’s no doubt this terrible incident they had just experienced will leave them traumatized and scarred for life and their future generations forthwith.
However, it’s important to note that the beauty of it all in the final analysis, not once did anyone ever questioned if these children were Mexican or from elsewhere! As far as our pro-immigrant protestors in their defense as far as they were concerned and without thinking, they were and are ALL RAZA…, PERIOD! What our enemy camp there did not fully realize that what “they” attempted to accomplish against our Brown people…, failed miserably on their part! Oh yes! “They” forced the three ICE buses to turn in retreat to their San Diego ICE station, but at the same time, their mean spirited actions against the counter protestors actually brought ALL Brown people together as ONE without regards of our Mexico and Central American border differences! Out of this horrendous incident, without a doubt it raised the conscience of those who needed to be enlightened as an oppressed occupied Raza! This made NOSOTROS stronger than ever before as WE are in the throes of becoming a Brown force to be reckoned with when WE get stronger and wait for the day to settle old accounts as payback time against our present enemy white racist enemy camp within this racist fascist AmeriKKKa!
I never felt so proud of mi gente on this particular day of the attacks who were on the front lines confronting the white supremacist enemy forces under one banner of UNIDAD (UNITY)! I watched them on several language general media as they were making news headlines for the world to witness AmeriKKKa’s white racists emulating Adolf Hitler’s first stage of political and racial ethnic cleansing! I would not discount the FACT how ole Adolf was smiling at his own new and improved AmeriKKKan Murrieta, California cadre of followers with its own city mayor, Alan “Der Fuhrer” Long at the helm! The only thing that was missing with these white oozing and foaming at their snouts rabid “protestors” was that they did not bring their burning crosses for this occasion against the CHILDREN! I guess “they” only do it during their KKKlan rallies at Murrieta city hall’s front steps.
Some of these children will probably be granted humanitarian asylum of some sort and others will be deported in the final process like the U.S. “migra” (ICE) has already deported some of these children and their mothers back to Honduras, Central America as of late. The following are several future scenarios these children will probably take when they become adults. If and when those who will be granted asylum and be allowed to stay in the U.S., some of them will one way or another become persons of academic and/or of economic means as they will later join and continue to advocate for others to prevent the same basic human immigrant rights abuses that were once denied to them initially.
…And for those that will unfortunately be deported, some will resort to “payback time” against any and ALL white Americans with such vengeance that this nation has NEVER known! There will come a day when white AmeriKKKans in particular will NOT be safe to travel throughout Central America, not excluding Mexico. The seeds of deep hatred for revenge against white AmeriKKKans today has been sowed upon these same victimized 140 small children in Murrieta, California, and as I have commented previously…, not of their own making! …And make no mistake AmeriKKKa! I DO NOT blame them in the least bit! If I had personally experienced these similar attacks by white racist xenophobe AmeriKKKans, there is no doubt the ONLY thing on my mind was to give white AmeriKKKa a taste of their own medicine…, no exceptions! Again, AmeriKKKa has dug its own grave with future grave consequences! This is what Ugly AmeriKKKa is exporting with these 140 CHILDREN! …And please white racist AmeriKKKa; don’t tell me later that I did not tell you so! I just hope to be around when this worst case scenario for white supremacist AmeriKKKa becomes a reality, something I can honestly look forward to as I cheer these same innocent 140 children who have been denied their human rights and human dignity!
According to Google sources:
“Today Murrieta (Ca.) ranks among the safest cities in the nation.” (Yea…, right!)
Mayor Long: “Murrieta, Ca. is a compassionate (apartheid) town.”
(**In all fairness, no confirmation by my sources present in Murrieta claimed to had seen Ted Hayes participating at the Murrieta mob attacks. I myself did not see his presence on the news media feeds there either.)
(*During the “Million Pro-Immigrant Rights March” some years ago in Los Angeles, Ca. on downtown Broadway St., I personally remember seeing the late Jennie Rivera atop of an RGV as she sang and danced while giving us moral and encouraging support. Yes, she was not only a Dama (Dame) but a freedom fighter for her Raza as well alright! I thank her and her family for raising a family of fighters like Jennie and Lupillo Rivera! Gracias!)
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