up in the barrio of “El Ramireno” during the mid 1950s, it never dawned on me
what poverty actually meant for this then 10-12 year old kid. I just thought
everyone lived like me and I didn’t see nor felt poverty or knew how I was
supposed to react when I was treated different as I was made to feel less of a
person than those who lived better on the other side of my barrio than I. In
those days I didn’t even know what a Mexican or Chicano was when others hurled
words at me as I was called a “mojado” (“wetback”), greaser, spic and worse. I
just simply brushed it off and thought that certain white people and even by
some of those who looked like me treated us poor kids bad was because they were
just being mean when I spoke only in Espanol and with a very broken English to
boot! I also thought that maybe because I did not look like “them” (Anglos and
Anglosized HI-spanics) either was why I did not fit into their little group. At
least this is what I thought in hindsight. Race, culture or social status was
never something I was cognizant of its existence in those days. We were just a
poor barrio campesino (farm worker) kids who just lived day by day and nothing
It was
not until quite a few years later in life when I realized what being
“different” in Texas meant. With time I began to take notice more
closely how those demeaning words were supposed to make me and my friends feel
then. Due my adolescent naïveté, I was not even aware that Black Americans were
being treated no better than NOSOTROS or worse…, until a little later! This
Raza cultural and race discrimination affected me later in my life as it became
natural for me to eventually evolve myself into the angry revolutionary
fighting radical I am proud to be today. It’s no accident why there are massive
Brown Raza youth throughout Aztlan and the rest of Occupied America who are
anti-fascist and anti-racist resistance fighters themselves, i.e., pro
immigrant rights and the “Dreamers” activists! I am proud to convey them my
most unconditional support and SOLIDARITY! Only those who understand the true
meaning of Chicano / Mexicano revolutionary self-determination ideology can
relate with others that are in the same struggle for their own national
liberation in America and/or in other oppressed nations. …They are NOT alone!
WE are one!
Ramireno”, located on the west side outskirts within the edge of its
Brownsville city limits, was where both my parents, my two younger brothers,
the youngest of the brood, a toddling baby sister then and I was where we spent
most of our childhood days. Our youngest sister was born in this same barrio on
Nopal St. as we literally did live across the “other side” of the railroad
We were
also residing in very close proximity to the U.S./Mexico Rio Grande River
international border. But no…, we could not see Mexico from our windows! This
neighborhood where I formerly grew up with was very close knit where almost
everyone knew everyone. Most of us attended nearby Skinner Elementary School.
There was an Anglo family who had several children attending our local school
then, whose mother was also a school teacher there and their father was a
practicing well known local attorney
Anglo kids with whom we grew up with 50-55 years ago, later in life became
local people of prominence themselves in their own right; one an attorney who
followed his late father’s footsteps, one a former car dealer and I don’t know
what happened to the rest of the brood thereafter. I know for a fact that the
oldest speaks and writes fluent Espanol like a native. I should know, him and I
used to train at a local combination boxing and wrestling training/arena
center, along with one or two of his younger brothers.
I would not be surprised that the rest of his siblings did well in their own
lives too. These Anglos throughout Aztlan (California to Texas) are not an
exception to the rule, because these are authentic Anglo decent people who grew
up among La Raza most of their developing lives and were NOT contaminated by
the Texan or the rest of the American white supremacist xenophobe stigma of
bigotry. To this day, as far as I have been told by my own relatives who
continue to reside in Brownsville; that these same Anglos are allegedly
politically and socially active in one way or another throughout the city and
the Rio Grande Valley area. If they are…, I congratulate them. I hope to meet
up with these same ole Anglo former school chums one day when I return home one
day soon which I have not seen or heard from them since our childhood days.
west of El Ramireno separating its barrio inhabitants by a mere few blocks, was
the Riverside “neighborhood” where the middle class economic well to do and
pseudo educated “class” lived during those days. I say “during”, because the
last time I was there when I visiting my ole barrio, I come to find out that
some of my old timer friend’s offspring who were born in El Ramireno were now
residing in the Riverside area.
in the old days, the Riverside residents were Anglo and “Spanish American” as
those grade school kids my age preferred to term themselves, who thought they
were a better “class” of people than us poor kids from our adjacent barrio.
When we barrio kids stepped into their “turf”, they always made it known to us
at every opportunity who and what we were each time our paths crossed which was
often. Just because they were gringos and “uppity” mobility “Spanish Americans”
of that era whose parents were of means, they felt they had a right to look
down on NOSOTROS who lived in the poverty stricken El Ramireno…, the “other
side”. Today, I would call them…, “The HI-spanic Malinchista (Race Traitor)
Coconut Class”! In those days, race and class distinction was very obvious. I did
not understand it, but it was a very valuable and an obvious lesson for me many
years later in the final analysis as an outlook on life within apartheid
Manifest Destiny America.
the ONLY time when both sides of the barrio poor and the uppity middle class
neighborhood kids mingled and actually forgot their class “differences” was in
December nearing Christmas time. I can’t ever remember any Anglo kids
participating on this Christmas ritual which it was meant for us poor folks.
They had no need to obtain these bags of candies. …And it was obviously why! A
few hundred yards North of El Ramireno and the Riverside “enclaves”, was “El
Bordo” (“The Dam”). “El Bordo” was a constructed 35-40 feet high dirt dam that
stretched for miles from further west of the nearby Mather Ranch and all the
way to the opposite direction several miles east down to the
U.S./Mexico old and new International Bridges and beyond. I believe
a third bridge was erected some fifteen years ago according to my sources which
is known as “Veterans International Bridge” in the U.S. side and “El Puente de
los Tomates” (“The Bridge of the Tomatoes”) by the Mexican side.
the summer cotton picking season at “El Bordo”, this is where our parents, with
me and my siblings in tow, worked the Mather’s Ranch in “Las Piscas” (Picking
cotton), picking tomatoes, cabbage, etc., but every December, the ranch owner
Mr. Mathers which I can’t remember his first name at this point in time.
himself would distribute bags and bags to no end filled with candies and other
goodies. It was on a first come first served basis that we the much
appreciative low income recipients, me included, were given a bag of candies to
take home. People would come from miles around from la colonia “La Muralla”
(“The Wall”), the adjacent barrio east of El Ramireno and beyond as far away as
the children’s feet could carry them with their parents at their side. Each
year that I can remember, it was like a festive sort of a holiday for us in
those days. For many of us, this was the only Christmas present we would be
getting due to those dire economic hard times in those days. Those hard pressed
economic conditions were not in our favor, yet, these bags of candies were our
pride and joy which we looked forward to every year. It was the biggest event
of the year for most us poor economic deprived kids then.
hard to believe or to even remotely imagine there was an actual outright class
and race distinction just outside the barrio borderline just a few blocks away.
What distinguished these issues in those days were plainly evident with the
then existing unspoken “demarcation line” between NOSOTROS and “them”. Our El
Ramireno streets were unpaved dirt and deep mud covered when it rained, and
good luck if you could drive out of the area! In contrast, on the “other side”
in middle class Riverside, their streets were nice and paved nicely with no pot
holes to be found there either. The gringos would call us “those Ramireno
wetbacks” and their “Spanish American huarachudo” (Hi-spanic wearing Mexican
sandal self-denying renegades) everso boot lickers looked on as they chimed in
to “look good” for their Anglo amigos. However, in all fairness, there were a
few righteous Anglo and Raza kids from this same Riverside neighborhood who did
invite us to visit their homes to play and even their parents went out of their
way to feed us a few meals often each time we visited them.
Riverside friends were not looked too kindly and were also looked down by
others in their own block for allowing “those” bad elements” into ‘their”
neighborhood. Yet, they remained our friends nevertheless to the end.
Ironically, the last time I was in Brownsville four or five years ago, I
visited my old El Ramireno haunts which had seemingly “improved” somewhat. When
I was there, my very few childhood friends still residing in El Ramireno,
informed me that some of their own families and extended relatives are now
residing in the Riverside area what was once considered the turf of the
“privileged” few.
The mini
East side (Riverside)/West side (El Ramireno) “Tortilla Curtain” was finally
torn down! As for my old time Riverside friends, I could not find a trace of
them that not even the new neighbors claimed not to know nor ever heard of them
or where they moved to. I felt sad to have lost those few nice Chicano and
Anglo middle class kids (boys and girls) who were our unconditional friends. I
just hope they remained the same kind of people I knew then. They were there
for us barrio kids when we needed true friends.
The Rio
Grande River / El Rio Bravo (“The Wild River”) as its officially known in
Mexico has much to do as who we are as Mexicans, Mexican Americans Chicanos,
and yes, and in spite that even white washed HI-spanics tend to deny it, ALL of
NOSOTROS are tied to both sides of this Manifest Destiny Euro-AmeriKKKan
forced international border, historically, ethnically and culturally whether WE
like it or not!
WE Mexicans born on both sides of the Rio Grande River / El Rio Bravo were
NEVER consulted to acknowledge the annexation of Aztlan (California to Texas)
then or now of this so called “international demarcation” border by the force
of arms which means nothing to NOSOTROS EN PIE DE LUCHA (…US IN THE STRUGGLE!)!
WE will NEVER accede to be assimilationists nor be something we DO NOT want to
be…, other than be one and the same Brown Proud Raza…, PERIOD!
as of lately Russia=Ukraine 2014? Now, there is a lesson WE RAZA can learn from
this fiasco. Watch out America! YOU could be next! …Don’t blow it!
When we
kids formerly swam at this river, we NEVER did acknowledge any borders between
me and our Mexican people living across this specific body of water during our
youthful days. Our Mexican amigos from the other side in Matamoros would
sometimes swim towards where we swam on the U.S. side or vice versa to enjoy
ourselves and just have good ole time fun by the riverbed as we braved this
mean and fast running treacherous waters. In those times all we thought then
was to have fun swimming without regards even if we were from either side of
the border separating us.
WE never
paid any attention or knew the word “international protocol boundaries” and
such matters, nor did we ever gave it a second thought of “border crossing
treaty violations”, etc. What did we know of such trivialities?! Besides, we
looked the same, spoke the same language and shared the same food, culture and
probably we were blood related for all we knew. The only thing we were aware
was that there was a big river between us and we were going to have fun that
day and that was what counted back then!
were times when our fun also had adversary effects not of our own making.
Whenever we saw the dust clouds on the near horizon, we already knew it was the
much hated “la migra” (U.S. Border Patrol) Devils and their official government
rushing jeeps from afar heading towards us. In seconds we immediately went into
action to outfox our migra adversaries as it had been done previously on many
occasions by helping our friends to escape back to the other side of the
Mexican “Rio Bravo” river. We Chicanitos were successful in helping them with
their escape from the migra clutches as they swam back to their side as fast as
they could! To confuse la mendiga (damn) “migra”, we pretended to run in six or
more opposite directions, depending on how many of us were there at one time or
another even though we saw “la migra” sometimes with their guns drawn out of
their holsters!
“cat and mouse” game was a regular routine for us each time these migra agents
were nearing us with guns drawn and flashing their badges. They knew who we
were and we knew them too. They even called us out on a first names basis and
vice versa. In spite of their veiled and not so veiled threats against us, they
finally “blinked” and gave up on us that they no longer made their constant
raids on us. In those days we lived to swim at the river even though we were
well aware of the dangerous perils at times when we had to help our amigos from
Matamoros. The funny part was that when we Chicanitos swam across to the
Matamoros Mexican side of the river, we never had to flee the Mexican migra
ourselves. I don’t remember or think we ever saw any Mexican migra chasing us
back to our gringolandia side of the U.S. border.
From the
outset, when these “pinches rinches” (“Damn Border Patrol rangers”) closed in
on us and saw their prey of Mexican “mojados” (“Wetbacks”) escape them, they
would retaliate by rounding up us Chicanitos as they had done so on previous
occasions. Thereby, we were given the “riot act”! The migra agents would
vociferously chastise us like rabid barking dogs with epithets,
calling us every racist name under the sun as we just stood there and taking it
while in our little itty biddy minds we were savoring our small VICTORY just
the same for helping our friends escape these gringo bastards…, and this was
often! In silence WE would look at one another and smile in agreement to show
our collective deep hatred for these pinches gringos at the moment when la
migra had us in “custody”! After all, we were only just 12-15 year old scared
kids ourselves then, but nevertheless each one of us remained unabatedly
defiant to the bitter end!
Today, I
dare these still much despised “migras” to intimidate or treat me like they did
then 50-55 years ago! However, in all fairness, these “migra” agents no longer
come only in one white thawed out pastel redneck color. Naw…, they can now be
seen in knuckle walking and in living color too! They are also the typical
self-loathing VENDIDO (Sellout) “Indian Scout” Black plantation Stepnfetchit
and Brown HI-spanic hacienda peons…, to our Raza’s own utter regret! It’s
important to note that unlike today, during our youthful days; I don’t remember
ever seeing any of these “Indian Scouts” (Border Patrol agents of color)
patrolling the border, especially at our swimming spots for that
years later as I was growing up, it was eventually when I learned the political
and geographical history about the German East/West Berlin Wall. It was then
when I understood and felt for all those people who were separated from each
other in spite that they were the same German people. For some strange reason,
right there and then I felt there was something wrong with this picture. As a
teenager then, I asked myself; “Why should people be separated from each other
when they are one and the same people separated by a wall or a river for that
matter…, like NOSOTROS throughout Aztlan and Mexico?!” Is it because of our
Political and ideological differences? …Or is it because of our Brown skin
color perhaps…, hmmmmm?
It’s no
coincidence why I feel the EXACT same way today about NOSOTROS being separated
by a border that was NEVER a border to begin with before those interloping
Europeans from another far away Bubonic disease contaminated continent who
arrived to impose by the force of arms their own white rule apartheid laws on
NOSOTROS! The Euro-Americans colonized Aztlan and beyond without ever asking or
taking ALL of the indigenous peoples living on this land into account! What
HYPOCRISY to set these xenophobic anti-immigrant terms themselves against
NOSOTROS in America; “Home of the brave!”
of the brave?! Who invited these original invading “brave” European ILLEGAL
ALIENS to this Indigenous continent?! …No one! All of these evil European blue
eye Devils who invaded this land who brought with them their contaminating
deadly and lethal Bubonic Plague pestilence as 1/3 of its white population
had just previously perished in Europe during the 13th Century
for their ignorance of soap, hot water and simple hygiene. This is their
“sub-culture” they imported to this continent; death, pillage, plunder,
slavery, stealing of Mexican lands, the almost extermination of its native
inhabitants, including the death and destruction of other defenseless nations
under the guise of Manifest Destiny (Their White Anglo Saxon Protestant
religious false beliefs and other despised much to be desired alien “customs”. Their
racist Manifest Destiny mindset was that they had the right to invade other
countries who did not “think” or “look like them” in the name of Western
civilization and “democracy”! Que basura! Que asco! Que
COBARDES! (What trash! What vomit! What COWARDS!)
traditionally observes their annual February “El Dia de los Charros aka
“Mexican Mardi Gras” which I have many personal childhood memories of this
festive month of the calendar year for more than 60 years. “El Dia de los
Charros” has existed long before I was even born which on this weeklong Mexican
festivity existed when both sides of the U.S./Mexico border, until some years
ago, probably before or after the 9-11 attack, people of the U.S./Mexico border
formerly crossed it with free passage “no migra papeles” (“No ICE immigration
documents”), that is until the rightwing Tea Party RepublicsKKKlansmen fascists
in the U.S. Congress put a stop to all this from what I have been informed by
my own local relatives involved this city’s political environment.
I’ll even go further; this is no thanks to the far right wing racist xenophobe
gringolandia powers that be who has ruined something good for our culture and
Raza on both sides of this international border, including the small business
community at-large who have suffered tremendously. This is one more reason why
NOSOTROS must exclusively support OUR quest towards the now open agenda of
fulfilling La Reconconquista De Aztlan National Liberation Movement…, por que
nadie va ser nada por NOSOTROS mas que NOSOTROS mismos! (No one is going to do
anything for US except our own selves!)
FORCE OF ARMS AND GENOCIDE!” – E.F. Mohammed Martinez
everyone I knew then and as I know today, it would be safe to say that almost
90% of La Raza (U.S. born Chicanos, Mexican nationals, Central and South
Americans, Caribbean’s, non-Raza by marriage and multi-cultural Raza.), have
close relatives residing in Matamoros, Tamaupipas, Mexico and in Brownsville,
Texas, U.S.A. This includes all the way to San Diego, California to Tijuana,
Baja California (Mexico) and throughout the Diaspora.
sides of the cultural equation are mostly one and the same blood line related
people. There is no way of denying this FACT of life…, me included. This is
part of our own Mexican heritage and culture no matter how we cut it. I myself
am a product of this FACT of life who was partially raised and educated on both
sides of the U.S./Mexico International “border” between Brownsville and
Matamoros. For many in Brownsville, as in my case, WE actually see nothing
negative that separates us Tex-Mex “Tejanos” and the “Matamorenses” aka “los
del otro lado” (“…the ones on the other side”), as we mutually term ourselves.
WE Tejanos and the rest of our Raza have ALWAYS been one and the same ethnic
people in language, culture and historically in nature.
The true concept of Aztlan in the making already exists within the Rio
Grande Valley and beyond! ...And there is no way to stop this beautiful
overwhelming Brown Tsunami Wave that is drowning our nay sayers unto their own
deserving miserable extinction! Aztlan is INEVITABLY self-induced without
NOSOTROS of ever having to fire one single shot in anger or ever having to
declare war on the U.S. Our VICTORY is a “loving” silent war for La Reconquista
de Aztlan as white racist xenophobe America is aging, dying and self-oblitering
themselves onto the Neanderthal Dinosaur age. Just look around from California
to Texas and see how Aztlan is already taking shape and form. I can safely
predict this is the unequivocal terminal fate awaiting our bigoted adversaries
with no turning back the clock of our over a century and a half long awaited
When I
revisited Brownsville a few years ago on another of my annual vacations, at no
time, as before, did not see any of the obvious decadence, such as graffiti
tagged walls, gang violence, nightly gunshot sounds, constant police patrols
with their ongoing sirens, nor hearing those deafening nightly police
helicopters hovering our homes at all times of the day and night that can be
heard more often than not right here in East L.A. or in the predominately Black
“egg beaters” (helicopters) are always keeping me and everyone in our Black and
Brown communities awake on most nights to no end with the neighborhood dogs
loudly barking and howling! Most predominately white neighborhoods of economic
means and political influence are excluded from all of these crime induced
hostilities. This includes the daily Fire Department and police sirens as the
“norm” of the day. Oh…! And let’s not forget the gang violence shootings, a daily
staple even during in the middle of the day!
unabated gang violence is not as prevalent as it was when I first migrated from
Texas to East L.A. in 1972, but nevertheless it’s always been lamentably in
existence. Violence between the Brown barrio gang inner rivalries and Black
“hood” gangs going at each other is never a scarcity. Innocent bystanders
walking on the streets and other people inside their own homes just minding
their own business have also become shooting victims themselves during these
Black “gangsta” and Brown “cholo” drive bys. It’s not uncommon for deadly gang
cross fires going at each other which many innocent men, women and children
have also been wounded or murdered! …That’s the sad part of it all! All the
while the privileged white gated enclaves are immune to all this turmoil as
this human carnage continues to claim lives to no end in sight!
enough, I have conducted my own research to establish if the white well to do
gated communities, i.e., Beverly Hills, Rancho Palos Verdes, Santa Monica
Palisades, etc., fare the same police state intrusions and civil rights abuses.
Many doubt if they too experience these same hovering night helicopters
activities that our own working low income class communities are daily subjected
to. ...They do not! These police helicopter incursions within our barrios and
“hoods” which WE Black and Brown people live under can be viewed almost on a
daily basis through our local and national news media at 6:00 & 11:00 PM.
These police department flying machines incessantly hover with their loud
buzzing noise with their extreme bright search lights shining directly on our
neighborhoods. It’s important to mention, like all big, small and medium size
cities and towns, the RGV is not the perfect spot for many, but it’s NOT known
or considered to be a high crime environment region in comparison to outside of
the RGV.
it’s important to note that in spite of this adversity within our economic
depressed East L.A. community there can be found quite a few treasure gems
growing out of the thorn sharp bushes. There are many young teenagers from
these same barrios of East L.A. and throughout who are everso making every
effort towards improving their lot in their poverty stricken and working class
lives in the hopes of overcoming the odds against them. Many of these youths
have accomplished their goals with their hard earned academic studies. …This
includes the Black kids from the Compton community and throughout. I have met
some of these Black bright youths personally with much potential to say the
of these educated youth, men and women of color, have returned to where they
came from after graduating from their respective colleges and universities.
Many have opted to stay in their barrios and hoods after they have obtained
their degrees and return to their roots to give something back and do the right
thing for those they left behind. Many have become professional people in their
own right as they attempt to help others in following their footsteps. I have a
teenage grandson who is about to graduate from high school and is also a
product of this same environment. With our encouragement as his close family
members, he is destined to become a person of prominence in his own right in the
immediate future. To those mentoring youths of color who have succeeded in life
to empower other less fortunate contemporaries than them…, I humbly
congratulate every one of them.
LEFT BEHIND!” – E.F. Mohammed Martinez
As a
long time resident of East Los Angeles, California for the past 42 years, I
recommend this Golden West Coast state for individuals or families who want to
move up his/her economic status and/or social level, but to raise a family or
retire in a non-hostile environment…, this is only recommended on a temporary
basis for only a few years or so or until retirement. Thereafter, it would be
wise to move elsewhere to “calmer waters”. Brownsville, Texas. The RGV area is
also another proper place of choice I highly encourage people to consider as
viable places to settle, move when retired or to just visit occasionally at
least once in their lifetime.
Aztlan has ALWAYS been in existence, front and center as no one has ever
noticed it…., not even its own inhabitants themselves! The RGV area is the
EXACT prototype model which to emulate as our indigenous Raza homeland. It’s no
longer as “theory”…, it’s right on OUR doorsteps as a FACT of life! La
Reconquista de Aztlan has always been an ongoing existence and in actual goal
for many prior generations! The RGV is what Aztlan and throughout Occupied
America can eventually become a FAIT ACCOMPLI just for the taking…, and without
violating any Constitutional U.S. laws! …And the beauty of it all is that there
is absolutely nothing our diehard adversaries can do to prevent or much less
have come to visit the RGV and thereafter a good percentage of such visitors
take a liking to the Tex-Mex native atmosphere, environment and its people.
Some of these same visitors decide to return at a later date…, and most do.
Many of those who do return, they opt to become part of the Brownsville new
incoming families or move to its other nearby adjacent municipalities within
the RGV area…, temporarily, and even on a permanent basis. There are many out
of state people of all colors who have been migrating here for many decades to
become part of the Brownsville landscape. They are better known as the “Winter
Birds”. These phenomenons by out of state people have been settling here every
year since I can remember over five decades ago. They not only come to spend
their winters in the RGV, but also many of them have a tendency to bring new
people with them as their cycle evolves year round. These out of state regular
part time Brownsville residents return because of the local warmer climate in
comparison to their snowbound cold winters in their own respective states and
elsewhere as far as Canada, including other foreign nations. Brownsville and
the rest of the RGV have always had their share of part time winter
residents. Most of the seasonal migrating “Winter Birds” are also
friendly and an important boost to the Brownsville economy and to its
surrounding townships. These part time residents enjoy the flavor of its one of
a kind Tex-Mex cuisine, its culture and overall living in a comfortable
The only
adverse backlash for anyone who would be contemplating to settle and work in
the Rio Grande Valley should be aware of the everso exploited workers with low
pay scale environment which the big American corporate businesses are
notoriously known to take advantage of its workers. It’s no accident how
corporate America saturates the Brownsville and RGV landscape with these
villains who “blood suck” the working class people with their exploiting cheap
wages. Wal-Mart Corp is one of many parasitical fermenting corporations in
existence found to crop up almost everywhere in the RGV who exploit their
workers with their anti-union starving wages in this “states rights” (Jim Crow)
state of Texas, including other local corporate business larva. They are mostly
situated within the deep Southern confederate states of the union. As for the
small owned enterprises, they just try to survive the engulfing big corporate
onslaught monopolies that make them hard to compete and stay afloat if they
want to survive as businesses.
modern day “Ugly American Syndrome” is no longer composed only of white supremacist
arrogant gun slinging swaggering “John Wayne” types taking over our Texas
border towns anymore! Oh no…! These arrogant knuckle walking Neanderthals of
today are the “new” and “improved” updated gun slingers which are defined as
corporate America $$$, whose sole purpose is of absolute greed, exploitation of
cheap labor and anti-workers right to join a union. Corporate America $$$
functions in Texas under the guise of “states rights”, protected by their
bought and paid for by rightwing “conservative” RepublicsKKKumbag legislation
powers that be. We should not doubt for one single minute how these state
Republican adversaries have in all probability had their greedy palms “greased”
$$$ beforehand as in quid pro quo (“You scratch my back…, I scratch yours!”)
with campaign contributions and other perks from their corporate CEO donor
“sponsors” $$$! (Wink! Wink!)
has always been known as the notorious and ardent anti union state. The other
sad FACT about Texas and other similar minded Southern states throughout is
that it seems how the poor working class people have been castrated as in null
and void when it comes to speaking out in defense for fair living wages and the
right to union organizing. Unfortunately, many working class Tejanos have been
conditioned to live in contentment with their sorry lot while the business
corporations exploit them big time as they violate and step all over their
labor and civil rights. The RGV is no exception to the rule and is not immune
to workers intimidation and oppression if they dare defy their corporate
employers! Let’s all hope the next working class generation will eventually
shake the yoke of apathy of all workers to its senses!
One my
of my own hosting relatives took me “shopping” for the ride at one of these
several Wal-Mart shopping centers nearby that predominate throughout
Brownsville and its surrounding areas within the RGV in silent reluctance. As I
was already cognizant of Wal-Mart’s dubious labor relations history, I tried to
explain my relative this store’s negative labor practices on the workers.
However, my relative did not want to hear about my “opinion”. All she cared was
about their “cheap prices” they had and that was the end of the subject…, period!
there, while my relative was doing the shopping, I separated myself and as I
was just strolling the store aisles, I stumbled onto one of its workers who was
stocking a shelf; thereby, I got near him and casually struck a conversation
and asked him how his working condition fared at this store. At first he was
hesitant to respond, but I gave him a ruse with the story about me thinking of
“applying for employment” at Wal-Mart because I had just arrived in town and
was looking for a employment. It was then when he opened up to me and his reply
was not too pleasant that I can say. This worker sure did not look like a
“happy camper” by no means as he described in detail his low pay working
conditions and in a low whispering voice. His story was no different that I had
heard previously from other Wal-Mart employees throughout Los Angeles,
California. …Workers exploitation and their labor rights being violated.
on the positive side overall in the final analysis, in comparison to other
states, including within my adoptive state of California, it’s also important
to note that the cost of living is inexpensive in Brownsville as far as home
rental, home purchasing, buying land, food, gasoline, recreational activities,
etc. in comparison to California. It’s very exorbitant to survive in this
“Golden State” where I have resided since 1972. For as the Rio Grande Valley
region it’s less stressful and located in a healthier smog free environment. Oh
yes, and one most important item to all this…, the native people of the RGV are
friendlier and hospitable than the big city folks outside of Texas! I should
know…, I’m a Brownsville born native who has NEVER forgotten his border town
Tex-Mex (Tejano) roots. I still have close relatives in “Browntown”, as most of
us affectionately dub this medium size city for its Raza predominance. The RGV
is composed of many, many towns of different sizes of population to make anyone
About 20
something miles north of Brownsville are the beautiful small towns and beaches,
i.e., Boca Chica Beach, Port Isabel, Padre Island and other great tourist
sites. The RGV has much to offer with recreational activities or even reside
there too. As a teenager I worked in South Padre Island as a busboy on one of
those off shore tourist restaurants, El Palmetto Inn, during one of my summer
school vacations. I even attended briefly one of their Port Isabel public
schools when my now late mother was employed at a nearby cannery.
At one
time when I went to visit one of my relatives some 35 years ago, I attempted my
hand at working on one of my relative’s shrimp boats, but as we set out to the
Gulf of Mexico sea, I got so sea sick that my “job” on this shrimp boat only
lasted no more than 24 hours or thereabout! I never again ever attempted to
work as a “shrimper” since then. Trust me readers, working on a shrimp boat is
definitely NOT for everyone! It’s also very hazardous to one’s health in many
respects. Many shrimp boat crews have lost their lives at sea, i.e., job
related accidents, drowning and the everso seasonal devastating high seas
hurricanes. The brief time I was on board this vessel, I learned a very
valuable lesson to last me a lifetime…, to respect the sea and this kind of
work. Since then to present date, each time I touch or eat any seafood,
especially shrimp, I always remind myself what it took to arrive at my meal
table. This is no different than the poor farm workers who toil the land in
America to take our edible fruit and vegetables we purchase at the supermarkets
or the cotton field pickers to make the fabrics for us to wear as
years ago, I recommended a few people, including my friends here in Los
Angeles, to travel and visit Brownsville and the Rio Grande Valley area as a
vacation spot. I was surprised by my friends who took me up on it as I later
came across them. These friends that did visit Brownsville and the RGV informed
me how they really liked it as they were planning to return. They were
impressed with its people, Tex-Mex culture, food and the laid back atmosphere.
Two of these young couples informed me of returning to settle there as a
family. One of these couples even liked nearby Harlingen as a place to visit
more often. I don’t know if these people did return, but I do hope so. No, I’m
NOT a “tourist promoter” or otherwise! I’m just one humble person who seeks
tranquility, peace of mind and yearning to return to my roots in the RGV.
I have
been a resident of East L.A. for over four decades which I have seen and
visited many parts of Los Angeles and throughout this beautiful golden state of
California. My long time residence in this state speaks for itself. I got
married in East L.A., raised a family and now my grandkids, small children to
teenagers and growing. I also have a son in Houston, two daughters, one in
Dallas and another in Brownsville. All three Tejanos are married, two in their
early 40s and one in her mid 30s with children themselves…, my grandkids.
Inevitably, there comes a time in one’s life when many are nearing retirement
age that turn to the next stage of their lives as senior citizens who are apt
to seek a calmer environment within the comforts of a small township or medium
size city within the RGV. One does not have to travel to the state of Florida
to retire when the Rio Grande Valley region is the perfect place as an option,
including Brownsville.
it’s important to understand that this kind of setting is NOT recommended for
everyone, unless a person wants to seek a pleasant and unstressful paced
atmosphere to live in. Brownsville is not a hustle and bustle fast paced city
many new comers are accustomed to. It’s important to understand that the RGV is
a relative laid back territory that is everso growing but is in no hurry to
grow into a large city metropolis setting. …And I hope it remains this way for
many future generations to come.
from California to Texas and beyond, our own “brown” HI-spanic Race Traitors
are not in scarcity when it comes to exposing those who turn their backs on
their own language, identity and Raza altogether. These sombrero and huarache
(Mexican sandals) wearing “paint jobs” that look like NOSOTROS tend to suffer
from an acute and terminal malignant ethnic cultural tumor…, the “Alamo Syndrome”
aka “Ostrich Syndrome”.
Alamo Mission in San Antonio, Texas was overrun in 1836 by Santa Ana’s Mexican
heroic troops and killed ALL the invading gringo squatters and deservingly so,
including a few HI-spanic “mexican” RACE TRAITORS who died alongside their
white supremacist Manifest Destiny gringo slave masters. Ironically, today
there are still many white washed HI-spanic Tejanos who are still
“defending” the Alamo legacy! …As for the “Ostrich Syndrome”? Those are
self-centered people who prefer to stick their heads inside the ground or
“elsewhere” where the light don’t shine as they also refuse to “rock the
boat”…, as long as it does not affect them in any shape or form and to hell
with the rest of their own Raza who are fighting for their rights against
injustice! …What utter vomit disgust these COWARDLY “brown” scum of
the earth they are!
self-loathing HI-spanic sewer rats and bottom pit wallowing in their own
excrement outhouse Maggots have become a very toxic contaminant phenomenon and
health hazard throughout Texas and beyond! They crawl within our own Raza
communities like fumigated cockroaches seeping out of our underground sewers
gasping for their last breath of fresh air as they report to their gringo slave
masters. When I say this in the aforementioned, it’s because many of these
“rejectionist” generic HI-spanic “Americanos” have become our own worst diehard
adversaries to our Chicano and Pro-Immigrant rights struggle. On many occasions
these misguided and confused Coconuts (Brown from the outside, white from
inside), are no doubt our internal worst nemeses and an obstacle to OUR
Reconquista de Aztlan Liberation Front. Make no mistake Raza! These “brown”
RACE TRAITORS will be dealt with once WE achieve VICTORY!
Many of
these HI-spanic rats have forgotten where they came from. If the Peoples
Republic of Vietnam achieved their own national liberation…, NOSOTROS can
too! These “confused” HI-spanic Tejanos have become the “eyes and
ears” of our enemy forces who seek our demise as a Brown people! If WE are to
survive as one Raza, it’s our duty to let these HI-spanic Coconut undesirables
know they are NOT welcome within OUR own communities! “They” are NOT on our
side! WE must treat these Cucaracha “brown” renegade turncoats in no uncertain
terms just as WE perceive our racist xenophobe gringo adversaries…, with
repugnance and unceremoniously outright ostracize them altogether!
Mexico, Nevada, Florida, Arizona and many other states, including Texas, have
“elected” many of these self-hating HI-spanics, i.e., RepublicsKKKumbag Tea
Party fascist Texas U.S. Senator, Ted Cruz, a Canadian immigrant himself, to
boot and a classical case of what is an authentic rightwing HI-spanic “Cuban”
GUSANO (Reactionary Worm) RACE TRAITOR who offers nothing positive to the
non-“Cuban” Raza which he is supposedly be “representing” in his “adoptive”
state of Texas. It’s important to note that Ted Cruz, the Gusano
Republicscumbag pedazo de excremento (…piece of excrement and for lack of a
better term.) is definitely NOT a “Latino”…, not as far as NOSOTROS are
concerned! Non-“Cubanos” such as NOSOTROS definitely DO NOT and will NOT
identify with most of these extremist rightwing Miami, Florida “Cuban” dog
types as Cruz’s ilk!
majority, but not all, of these Miami “Cuban” Mafiosi types are
RepublicsKKKumbags, therefore, Gusanos like Cruz, have NEVER been OUR Raza
“friends”, nor do we want to! However, in all fairness, there are exceptions to
the rule as there are also many younger Cuban Americans today that are known
not to behave like their older generation of hardcore aggressive Miami mafia
rabid “Cubano” vomiting dogs foaming at their snouts! The real genuine Cubanos
are in the island nation of Cuba Libre, defending their hard earned Cuban
revolution for the past 60 years! These aforementioned are the genuine Cubano
brothers and sisters in the struggle which to this day, I truly admire and respect.
I also want to sincerely convey my unconditional SOLIDARITY to the real genuine
people of Cuba Libre!
wisdom dictates as a priority, from Texas and throughout Aztlan, there is a
dire need for NOSOTROS to expose and outright oppose these self-serving “brown”
reactionary MALINCHISTA VENDIDO (Sellouts) RACE TRAITORS at every opportunity
available. This responsibility is up to us as a collective united front to make
it happen! …Otherwise, it never materialize without our efforts. They should be
chastised with a clear uncut verbal message;
white washed Tejano HI-spanics, like elsewhere throughout Aztlan, are not even
aware how they have become the token “brown” Republican mouthpieces who have
been bought and paid for as they are brought out of their bottom pit outhouses
and sewers they call “home”. They are only on “call” as they wait to be
“summoned” when their gringo masters need them to do their dirty work in their
Raza communities…, and only then! These HI-spanic Republicanos are the ruling
class gringo’s show case façade tokens to bait and entice NUESTRA Raza to vote
for their Republican gringo masters running for office. Thereafter, these same
gringo RepublicsKKKumbags turn against NUESTROS pueblos de Raza!
…They ALWAYS do! When these HI-spanic Republicano’s services are no longer
needed, thereafter they are discarded like taking a “bowel movement” (For lack
of a better word.) and are returned back into mothball status until further
notice when required of their presence. There are no exceptions to the
extremist rightwing Tea Party Republican refuse mindset who have no compulsion
to use HI-spanics as long as they serve their gringo masters well!
Make no
mistake! The white supremacist fascist Tea Party Republicans are ALWAYS
attempting to hoodwink our gente (people) like the slithering snake oil
charlatans that they have ALWAYS been notoriously known to be then and now to
unwittingly vote against their own best interests. To our own adversaries’
dismay, they see the Brown growing numbers overwhelming their own crumbling
former AmeriKKKan Empire…, and this terrifies the extremist Neanderthal
Republicans to the core without a doubt! Most white AmeriKKKan bigots are
terrified as they perceive Brown people today as the biggest threat to their
own survival as a Euro-American dying race! However, once they entice our Raza
through deceit and lies to vote for these Republicans, these same treacherous
back stabbing two faced rightists will later discard and forget their Brown
campaign bought and paid for “volunteers” and constituents who voted for them!
“It’s back to your reservation Pedro! Your services are no longer needed hea!”
Did you hear this you HI-spanic Republicanos VENDIDOS?! YOU water carrying
Hi-spanics are just their useful idiots! Comprendes?!
surprisingly enough, there have been many HI-spanic Republican “brownies” that
have bitten the GOP “bait”…, hook, line and sinker mantra! Many of these
self-hating “brown” hacienda (plantation) overseer Tejanos are also notoriously
known to even stoop down and mimic their white bigoted “friends” as they call
their own unfortunate exploited Brown undocumented immigrant brethren with
racist anti-immigrant derogatory terms as; “mojados” (“wetbacks”)…, and worse
so they can be “accepted” by their onlooking gringo “amigos”…, for the right
price $$$ of course! This is the same analogy as Black Americans calling their
own Black brethren with racist epithets that racist whitey denigrates them
African American communities in America have fought very hard for many decades
if not over a century and a half since they were forcefully uprooted from their
ancestral mother continent of Africa. Thereby, today they are raising their own
Black pride and cultural self-awareness through their own civil rights
organizations and their successful Black American owned media. When this
Mexican journalist/writer worked for several Black owned publications many
years ago and even as recently as eight months ago, I was fortunate enough to
observe and learn their “not looking back” aggressive mindset they have
developed against all odds thrown at them. Black and Brown people in Occupied
America have the same oppressor as WE both have fought and died fighting
against those who continue their attacks against ALL people of color without
This is
one primary reason why WE in the resistance must ALWAYS remain UNITED against
OUR common enemy…, white supremacy! As Blacks and Browns, WE still have a long
ways to succeed in our efforts to stop and defeat our own despicable
self-loathing kneegrow and HI-spanic malcontent obstructionists who wish they
were born with a white skin like their gringo slave masters! It must clearly be
understood that our struggle is mutual. It’s NOT a “Black or Brown thing”…,
it’s a struggle for our very own survival as an oppressed people…, period!
There are no “ifs” or ‘buts” in the resistance against our common enemies who
seek our demise!
I have a
close relative in Brownsville, Texas who was a prominent elected politico quite
a few years ago as he was approached by the state GOP Republican
ruling powers that be, to run for a Congressional seat as a Republican, but
when an unknown white Republican decided to also run, guess what folks?! The
same Republican Party stalwarts who asked my relative to run with their
blessings and backing…, they immediately dumped him cold before the state GOP’s
spit hit the ground and abruptly turned 180 degrees and went on to support the
white unknown candidate instead for the obvious reasons of race! This is how
racist and back stabbing treacherous these white Republicans can be to protect
and preserve their own gringo self interests. Ironically, in the final
analysis, both lost to a Democrat. It’s also important to understand that not
all “democrats” are immune to these same racist divide and conquer shenanigans
as well.
As far as my
relative’s Republican “backers” were concerned, he was just another expendable
“messcan” HI-spanic whose “services” were no longer needed…, for now until
further notice! My relative eventually “got the message” and switched his
political party’s allegiance and affiliation as he turned around and registered
as a “democrat”. It’s important to note that the majority of the voters in the
RGV vote Democrat, but included in the fray, there exists a few renegade
HI-spanic Republican Kool Aid drinkers who no doubt can also be found in the
mix within the Texas RepublicKKKlansmen cesspool such as the likes of Tea Party
member, U.S. Senator, Ted “The Cuban Gusano” Cruz!. This does not go on to say
that there are not some HI-spanic and cracKKKah Texas “democrats” who behave and
act like closet RepublicsKKKumbags. I call these specific HI-spanic
“democrats”…, Coconut Dixiecrat Judases.”
many years as a community activist in attempting to UNITE Black and Brown
oppressed peoples throughout my immediate environment on a personal level and
the U.S. through my internet, e-mail Face Book, etc. I can now see how this
effort is genuinely finally taking root after all. In spite that on a one on
one collective front, Blacks and Browns are succeeding in the same struggle in
the name of collective UNITY. Collectively, WE are still a long ways to stop
many of our own despicable self-loathing plantation Stepnfetchit kneegrows and
HI-spanic hacienda sombrero and serape wearing peon malcontents. Instead of
having one battlefront trench to focus on the actual white supremacist enemies,
WE abhorrently have three battlefronts; …, racism, anti-immigrant xenophobia
and our own despicable RACE TRAITORS of “color”, especially those who look like
NOSOTROS! This is why WE must ALWAYS continue to be vigilant of these
contaminated infected two legged sewer Black and Brown cockroaches within our
midst that also looks like us! What irony!
renegade HI-spanic “Tejanos”, even adamantly refuse to identify with their own
Chicano, Mexican or even Mexican American national origins and much less speak
their own cultural language…, Espanol! When I come across many of these types
of tapados agringados (white washed) “brown” basura (trash) here in our own
present barrio of East L.A. or from my native Brownsville, Texas…, I have a
tendency to just vomit all over them and hide in shame from this kind of
“human” self-hating excrement! This is like some Black Brothers who attempted
to “conk” their natural hair during the ole days of yore! Yep! …It’s no
different alright! …NOTHING HAS CHANGED!
On a
final very important note, during my upcoming impending retirement, I intend to
make an attempt in initiating a future national campaign to declassify NOSOTROS
who are born in this nation from the continuous assault on Nuestra Raza through
their never ending Manifest Destiny ala Euro-Americanization to classify
NUESTRA RAZA as “Caucasian” or “White” on OUR own birth certificates. I NEVER
did understood why our enemies decided to classify NOSOTROS as such when the
total opposite is true! WE are NOT “White”, “Caucasian” or even European
“HI-spanics”! In this land WE are
Mexicans/Chicanos/Raza/Indigenous People in Occupied America…,
PERIOD! I refer to ALL our Brown people under one umbrella from
every Spanish speaking nation as…, RAZA! Yes, it’s going to be a
very arduous long struggle to maintain our cultural and sovereign identity as
WE are being denied our sovereign rights as one Brown Raza…, but NEVER
Comments Are Appreciated At:
La Reconquista de
Aztlan National Liberation Movement
Book: E.f. Mohammed Martinez
Flores – Assigned Editor-In-Chief)
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