Not since Adolf Hitler’s ethnic cleansing of Jews before and during World War II (1936-45) has these same former European Nazi Germany’s Holocaust victims and their offspring who now call themselves “Zionist Israelis” are widely viewed as the modern day 2014 marching goose stepping right hand stiff snap saluting S.S. Nazis by most Black and Brown oppressed people in occupied Manifest Destiny racist AmeriKKKa. Conventional wisdom has dictated the conscience of many non-white people to understand firsthand what it is to live actual oppression and racism at the hands of the brutal AmeriKKKan repressive murdering police apparatus as WE compare the same analogy what the unscrupulous filthy vermin cockroach Zionist “Israeli” Jews who have embarked on the same insidious evil treatment on the defenseless civilian non-combatant Gaza Palestinian people! The following is my own personal reason why EVERY VESTIGE OF JEWISH “ISRAELI” ZIONISM MUST BE OBLITERATED FROM PLANET EARTH WITHOUT QUESTION!
“Their” incremental GENOCIDE behavior in Gaza is just EXACTLY what their former German Nazi concentration camp guard masters perpetuated upon “them”! How soon “they” forgot! These “Israeli” subhumanoids are perceived as the victimizing parasitical wanton murdering vultures that are now themselves dehumanizing another oppressed people of color on a land that was NEVER theirs to begin with…, Palestine! The Zionist “Israeli” Jews as far as I am now eternally concerned are not worth being a Zionist Jewish race entity like those rabid mongrel street dogs foaming at the snout! “They” no longer worth than a dog’s spit!
To begin with, “they” were NEVER meant to seep out of Satan’s bottom pit sewer. Not even Satan himself wanted these pile of pestilent Kosher dog excrement in his own purgatory midst! Reluctantly, in spite that he wanted “them” to keep him company, Satan even kicked “them” out and to humanity’s dismay and regret, these unwanted vermin filth of Zionist “Israelis” were unleashed on to planet earth as a curse to the rest of humanity! Maybe these same Satan’s “Israeli” Zionist rabid animal rejects were better off at Auswitchz where “they” could really call “home” like backyard cracKKKah country outhouse bottom pit larva Maggots as “they wallow among themselves! Zionist “Israeli” Jews are like canker puss as a subhuman walking terminal cancer…, “there is no cure sight for “them”! …Unless “they are EXTERMINATED WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!
These former decimated Jewish Holocaust victims of almost 70 years ago and their aftermath generations have totally forgotten what horrendous carnage was perpetuated upon “them” as they have become the EXACT oppressors who are now inflicting their murdering savagery with vengeance against the indigenous Palestinian peoples whom “they” are depriving the Palestinians in Gaza of their quality of life…, including defenseless innocent civilian CHILDREN on a mass scale! The criminal so called Zionist Jewish “Israeli” interlopers outright invaded Palestine in 1948 (Only 66 years ago!) and stole their land with the “blessings” from their fellow white supremacist imperialist colonizers, i.e., European Britain and Manifest Destiny AmeriKKKa!
The Zionist “Israeli” savages, by the force of arms in 1948 and without regards for neither Palestinian lives “they” shamelessly implemented their campaign of ethnic cleansing as they are still continuing today on a mass scale in Gaza! These AshkeNAZI Zionist Jewish subhuman animals in turn are currently committing the same human carnage they too were victims themselves not too many decades ago. This is no different than our own AmeriKKKan HIS-story that is well known for the same atrocities it committed by the white colonizing illegal “settlers” on this North AmeriKKKan continent by almost exterminating the Native Indigenous peoples, importing Black African slavery by force, stealing of Mexican lands, etc. and other uncountable crimes on a continental and global scale then and today!
Yes, these are the same criminal murdering Zionist “Israeli” Jews who have forgotten their own Nazi Germany’s pogrom past of ole Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution” of a pestilent people he had bestowed upon “them” about seven decades ago. This “Israeli” Jewish agenda against the indigenous Palestinian people throughout ALL the land of Palestine has been in progress since 1948 from the massacre of over 130 villagers of Deir Yassin to present day Gaza Strip. The late “Israeli” former “Israeli” Prime Minister, Golda Meir once said; “There is no such thing as a Palestinian people…!” This Zionist “Israeli” Jewish mindset against the Palestinian people is EXACTLY the same as Adolf Hitler thought about; “Those Filthy Vermin Jews”…, and “There is no such thing as a Der Juden (Jew)!” This is also no different than the same racist criminal Zionist “Israelis” whom right now at this very moment are utilizing their massive weapons of war (Courtesy of collaborationist U.$. AmeriKKKa) against a defenseless people on the Gaza Strip, Palestine. It’s no doubt the criminal apartheid estate of Zionist “Israel” has lost the concept and ALL vestiges of humanity in EVERY sense of the word!
The blood of every single innocent civilian non-combatant men, women and children will NEVER be erased for ALL eternity as Allah is my witness! Make no mistake Zionist “Israel”! For EVERY drop of blood that the Palestinian people has lost by Zionist “Israel’s” cold blooded murdering incremental GENOCIDE, there will be one gallon of their own vermin filthy worthless blood extracted to the fullest without abatement on EVERY criminal apartheid Zionist “Israeli” Jew…, WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!
These illegal colonizing Zionist “Israeli” Jews are the same offspring of their former Nazi death camp relatives then and now whom in 2014 are responsible for removing an Arab Palestinian people who have lived on this land of Palestine for centuries long before the first European AshkeNAZI Jews ever set foot on this same land on or about 1948. The 1948 British Mandate, whom the Arab Palestinian people were NEVER consulted with has been conveniently muted by the criminal Zionist “Israeli” powers that be and their international government whores! The so called made up pseudo Jewish state of Zionist “Israel” was made up with deliberate intentions to colonize the Palestinian people at any cost after “they” were liberated from Adolf Hitler’s German Nazi concentration camps! How soon “they” forgot their own Holocaust by their own Nazi German slave masters!
The Mandate gave the European interloping illegal alien Jewish cockroach “people” a land to settle, but these ungrateful snake oil “Jew me down” charlatan subhumans whom I have ALWAYS perceived to be no better than earth’s Ebola unwanted contaminating lethal bubonic plague, which this is their inherent nature! As a matter of FACT each time I swat or fumigate those filthy vermin common cockroaches roaming my home…, I deliberately stomp on them or fumigate them as I pretend each one of these creepy crawlers is an “Israeli” murdering Zionist Jew! Each time I use my micro wave oven, I ALWAYS pretend I’m shoving one of “them” subhuman Zionist “Israeli” Jew boy critters! Each time I do this procedure, I consider it as my utmost pleasure of the day while enjoying my morning cup of coffee! As far as I am personally concerned, Zionist “Israelis” are no longer even considered as part of the human race…, but of the wild kingdom whom Satan himself unleashed to planet earth as punishment and a curse against the rest of the non-Jewish Zionist race! These pestilent contaminated “Israeli” Zionist Jews have no right to share or to live on this same planet!
In 1948 these rabid filthy vermin “yamahaha” wearing subhuman so called “Israelis” decided to make a land that was NEVER theirs to begin with, and “they” knew it! Because of their frenzy murdering spree thereafter…, to the resisting indigenous Palestinian people there will ALWAYS be blood to collect, settle old and new accounts for the Palestinian masses “they” have wantonly murdered! Let it be known to these pestilent dog lice Zionist Jews, there will NEVER be any rat holes “they” can hide anymore as long as the entire land of Palestine is occupied! Zionist criminal “Israel” has automatically condemned itself to be destroyed from the face of the earth for ALL eternity no matter how many years, decades or centuries this will take to EXTERMINATE ALL ZIONIST “ISRAELI” JEWS, and believe you me…, their FINAL SOLUTION PART II WILL HAPPEN! There will NEVER be one moment’s “peace” as long as one Palestinian single man, woman or child is alive. The total annihilation of EVERY foreign illegal ashkeNAZI Zionist Jew in ALL the land of occupied Palestine is the ONLY lifetime goal of ALL Palestinian peoples (…and mine too!)…, PERIOD!
The Zionist “Israeli” criminal enemies stole Palestine by deceit, lies and with their brutal force of arms ever since to present date as in the case of Gaza, Palestine right now as its people are being slaughtered in this non-stop carnage of continuous daily GENOCIDE as the world is witnessing for themselves! For AmeriKKKlaner HIS-storical analogy, this is the EXACT criminal comparison of what happened in North AmeriKKKa which is no different than when the interloping infidel English European savages sailed were washed ashore on the Mayflower to invade this North AmeriKKKan continent by the force of arms as these white foreign authentic illegal alien hordes committed the same atrocities on the Native Indigenous and Mexican population ala…, PILLAGE PLUNDER, BLACK SLAVERY, JAPANESE AMERICANS ON TAXPAYERS CONCENTRATION CAMPS, STEALING OF MEXICAN LANDS AND GENOCIDE ON A CONTINENTAL AND ON A GLOBAL LEVEL! I DARE RACIST AmeriKKKlan TO CALL ME A LIAR!
Zionist “Israel” has finally demonstrated to the entire world how they unabashedly have NEVER shed their true racist colors as bonafide children of Adolf Hitler who were overcome with the “Stockholm Syndrome”! This AshkeNAZI Fourth Reich AshkeNAZI “Israel” is now known as the pariah racist and fascist illegal Jewish state by most of the non-white Third World nations and its majority of their masses; this includes people of occupied ameriKKKa as well.
According to radio news sources today (Thursday 7/31/14), South America’s President, Evo Morales has just gone on record to classify the illegal so called Jewish state of Zionist “Israel”; a terrorist Jewish state…, and rightly so! I applaud SRO President Morales for his brave and moral step he has taken to condemn this Fourth Reich AshkeNazi Jewish entity for what it is! And guess what readers? 24 hours elapsed from President Morales’ condemnation of this apartheid Zionist state as other Central and South American nations have joined President Morales to also condemn this white Zionist “Israeli” Jewish Maggot excrement larva!
I also hope the rest of the other non-white Third World nations of ALL Latin America from Mexico and throughout, including the Caribbean nations that they too will follow President Morales’ model courageous example of true leadership who spoke in behalf of the Gaza Strip, Palestinian peoples under siege! Again, I respectfully reiterate; it was the right thing to do Mr. Presidente Evo Morales, the statesman, as others have followed your proper moral and political example! I hope if there are any pro “Israel” Zionist Jews residing in Peru who have gotten the message; “YOU are no longer a wanted people! and your days are counted in Peru!” Let’s all hope that ALL of Latin America and hopefully the Caribbean nations will also join in condemning this AshkeNAZI Fourth Reich!
I hope President Morales’ action will also encourage other non-white nations and it’s common citizens to demand for those Zionist pro “Israeli” Jews who reside in their own countries to be ousted and deported immediately outright to Europe, not to Zionist “Israel” right there and then without notice! The global non-white Third World peoples are witnessing as many can relate how the Gaza Palestinian citizens are daily subjected to…, in their own indigenous land of Palestine! The non-white governments and its citizens have the right to remove these filthy vermin cockroach Zionist pro “Israeli” bastards if they do not belong there! However, in all fairness, for each Zionist Jew deported to Europe, preferably Germany, as “they” exit their former host country…, give these vermin filth a microwave oven as a “consolation prize”!
Gracias Honorable y companero Presidente del Peru, Evo Morales por su apoyo por el pueblo de Gaza, Palestino al borde del GENOCIDO incremental! Estas acciones de deportaciones de todos Judios Zionistas de inmediato son las mismas que los pueblos indigenas de Gaza, Palestina estan subjetos a diario! DEPORTEN A TODOS LOS JUDIOS ZIONISTAS DE TODA LATINO AMERICA Y EL CARIBE…, SIN EXCEPCIONES! DEJENSELOS SABER QUE SUS PRESCENCIAS NO SON BIENVENIDOS EN SUS RESPETIVOS PAISES! NO CONSUMAN Y MENOS COMPREN SUS PRODUCTOS Y NO PATROCINEN SUS ESTABLECIMIENTOS! ESTE ES LA UNICA IDIOMA QUE ELLO$ ENTIENDEN!
(Thank you honorable and comrade President. Evo Morales of Peru for your support for the Palestinian people of Gaza who are on the verge of outright incremented GENOCIDE! These actions of immediate deportations of ALL Zionist Jews are the same that the indigenous people of Gaza, Palestine are subjected on a daily basis! DEPORT ALL THE ZIONIST JEWS FROM LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN NATIONS…, WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS! MAKE THEIR PRESCENSE KNOWN THEY ARE NOT WELCOME IN YOUR RESPECTIVE COUNTRIES! DO NOT CONSUME NOR BUY THEIR PRODUCTS OR PATRONIZE THEIR BUSINE$$E$! THIS IS THE ONLY LANGUAGE THEY UNDERSTAND!)
Whereas on the contrary, the majority, but not all, of the Western European nations are either apathetic “neutral or are in the pocket$ the AmeriKKKlan Zionist Jewi$h corporate monopoly donor$, i.e., Koch Brothers (Zionist Jews) along with the AmeriKKKan Jewish Lobby as they are giving pro Zionist “Israel” lip service as in the case of Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister who is the former tail wagging “Poodle” dog of former U.S. President, George Bushit during the Afghanistan and Iraqi invasion! Let’s not primarily forget ameriKKKa and other white European nations who have always subscribed to their own traditional Manifest Destiny mantra of global colonizing apparatus to dominate and subjugate those non-white Third World…, “uncivilized poor nations!”
The Palestinian people on the Gaza Strip and throughout Palestine are also part of this same global triangle that is “collectively” made up of a white supremacist campaign of AmeriKKKan, European and the criminal AshkeNAZI Fourth Reich Zionist “Israeli” Jewish colonizers which are well known to subscribe to their own exclusive agenda of the Manifest Destiny doctrine with their own agenda of ethnic cleansing mindset designations ala; “Whitey has to take care of the white race at any and at all costs!” This includes the AmeriKKKan Zionist Jewish controlled powerful propaganda media machine and their global banking industry by their everso grubby money lending monopoly that continues to have a stranglehold on this massive economic monster called…, CAPITALISM and IMPERIALISM! Make no mistake readers! Most of these whom I have previously mentioned, are mostly if not all of “them” are the AmeriKKKan useful idiots and tools of Zionist “Israel” which without a doubt are notoriously known and highly suspected to be in-depth to their Kosher necks as “they” call the shots from inside the AmeriKKKan World Bank Reserve aka “The U.S. World Jewish Money (Hoarding) Lending Reserve” whom are accused by many as being responsible for the economic chokehold of many countless poverty stricken non-white Third World nations on a global scale! For each dollar these Zionist Jew oozing Maggot larva low life race at the World Reserve Bank “they” loan out to impoverished nations…, “they” expect 100 dollars and their blood as “interest$”! Those of you readers who are from these impoverished non-white Third World nations in mention can relate to this subject at hand on a global scale.
Almost the entire English speaking AmeriKKKan news and general media networks, i.e., radio, television, movie industry, etc., and even down to the housing slum landlordism monopoly in which this nation’s blood sucking Zionist Jews almost own and run the rental and ownership of the housing industry who are notoriously known as the worst slum landlord scumbags without scruples whom are also known not to even live in their own rental building apartments of its own Barrio and Hood vicinities which “they” blood suck like the known parasititical subhuman leeches “they” have ALWAYS been! Zionist Jews have been tolerated in the Black and Brown low income working class neighborhoods, but in actual reality…, “they” have NEVER been liked or respected one bit…, except for a few Zionist Jew loving self-hating plantation Stepnfetchit kneegrows and HI-spanic hacienda sombrero and serape wearing RACE TRAITORS! Oh yes! …And make no mistake! These Judas traitors of “color” can be found within our own midst and without a doubt alright! These enemies of “color” are no better than their own Zionist Jewish white slave masters as well!
It’s no coincidence how these Zionist pro “Israel” Jews have had a hand in all aspects of their own abhorrent attitudes towards our Black and Brown communities. I wouldn’t be surprised of these same blood sucking Zionist AmeriKKKan Jews send part or most of their ill gotten gain$ to exclusively prop up this criminal Zionist “Israel’s” Reichstag Nazi state to buy their weapons of war to maim and murder defenseless Palestinian civilian men, women and children in the Gaza Strip, especially right now as I am writing these very words! These kinds of AmeriKKKan AshkeNAZI Jews are the highly suspected Zionist “Israel’s” fourth column group of supporters!
During my youthful years almost 40 years ago, when I was attending college in the mid 1970s, on the Veterans G.I. Bill, because I had worked in the restaurant food industry since my early pre teenage years in my native Brownsville, Houston, Texas and later in Los Angeles, I decided to supplement my G.I. Bill monthly college stipend with an extra job for expense money, thereby I tried to obtain a part time employment at some restaurants as a waiter or as a “server” in today’s “PC” terminology. Before I entered the military (Army) and after my return, I worked at several small owned and large corporate eateries where in this honorable profession I met all kinds of people of every status socio economic class, color and gender, but the ones that stood out in my mind were the Jews per se for their unique disposition towards other people who did not look like “them” or of their subhumanoid gutter religion. And because of my interaction with “them” I learned NEVER to turn my back or trust “them”…, EVER! These “people” are sneaky, evil and a treasonous “people”. Not all Jews fit this description, but most Zionists do for the better part.
These skull cap beanie Yamahaha wearing “Moshes” were and still are today the typical aggressive, pushy ones who love to haggle about every minuscule thing over the menu prices with their servers as if “they” own those taking their meal orders like as if they are their own personal “valets”…, and most of “them” were cheap “bastid” Jew tippers to boot! This was my own personal experience with these arrogant Bagel eating miscreants! Most of “them” have earned their reputation as the relentless “Jew me down” people and without shame! Regretfully, I had a few not so favorable experiences with these Jews, I say “few”, because I have made it my business thereafter to avoid this kind of “people” as one would avoid the bubonic plague in itself, but I did unfortunately came to know some of these loathing “people” who formerly owned businesses for more than several decades down my block on Whittier Blvd. here in East L.A.
Thank goodness today most of “them” have since moved out of our barrios except for a few unwanted holdouts. 40 years ago they were no different than their lot elsewhere…, as they behaved with flair of white superiority complex towards their Latino workers and their own customers too! Many of their employees, whom I knew personally, told me how these Jewish business owners treated them like a cheap commodity to exploit and worse off! These local Jewish owners were also known then as the notoriously “Jew me down” to cheat and short change their own employee’s wages. I don’t think much has changed since then, since this is part of their money grubbing sub-culture they ALL live by since Satan himself created the first Zionist Jew on this planet!
I am aware that our Black brethren in their own communities have lived the same experience with those “people” too. I don’t doubt their word since “they” have not changed their slithering poisonous blood sucking money grubbing snake spots then nor today. “They” are NOT expected to change their “snake oil” charlatanism any time soon either! Beware of Zionist Jews bearing gifts for those who will live to regret it if “they” are not avoided at all costs! Anyone doing business transactions with these Zionist Jews is like negotiating with a Boa Constrictor on the loose all over an suspecting Black or Brown person as “they” roam with one single angle in mind…, to empty their pocket$ for everything their customers are worth! This has been my own personal experience as well!
The everyday word within our own Raza was and to date, is to avoid “them” and try not work for Jews unless it’s their last alternative, because of their dubious and notorious treatment of their cheap to nothing workers wages! When working for “them” most people described “them” as sleazy, crafty, cheap money grubbers as if money was their entire life! Case in point; it was not too long ago when the car wash workers made the evening news in Los Angeles as they exposed these same wage worker rights exploiting conditions through the Spanish news media all the while most of the English speaking media ignored these car wash worker’s plight. Hmmmmm…., I wonder why?! Was it because the car wash workers were mostly non-English speaking Brown and undocumented immigrants…, and they could not dance to their patrones (employers) the Jew “You Have Any Tequila” or some kind of “cultural” dance folk crap? …Or whatever those Zionist Jew boys dance to! (Wink! Wink!)
Working for “them” was the worst curse WE Raza or our Black brethren could be bestowed upon! “Ya te jodistes si estas trabajando por un pinche Judio!” (“You’re doomed if you are working for a damn Jew!”) Zionist Jews were NEVER welcomed in East L.A. Many had businesses, but most NEVER resided in our barrios. “They” fermented themselves for more than five decades in our barrios before La Raza gradually became the majority population. Once “The Browning of East L.A.” became a fait accompli, white flight by these Jews immediately took place before “they” baked their next Bagel as they moved out and onto their West L.A. “Ghettoes”!
These Zionist Jew boys were only tolerated because they had the money and had a monopoly on the local businesses. However, in 1970 the East L.A. August 29 Riots was the crucial point of no return for most of the local Jewish owned businesses. These same capitalist exploiting Bagel eating Jews got yellow and high tailed it back to their West side to Moshe Yamahaha town of Wilshire, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, et al. Most NEVER returned! “They” saw NOSOTROS as their angry pissed off “Brown Tsunami Wave” who overwhelmed and drowned them as their INEVITABLE miserable sealed fate was sealed as WE became determined that our next target was OUR land of occupied AmeriKKKa aka Aztlan (California to Texas)! …Just give NOSOTROS a few more generations of Brown Raza!
There is no question these former East L.A. exploiting Jews up to 30-40 years ago had a monopoly on the local Black and Brown local corner liquor stores and high priced low quality cheap furniture stores who gave their mostly Spanish speaking customers and poor Black people the ruse that they were getting a “bargain”…, and in “payments” pa acabala de joder (…to boot!)! Yea…, right! The local Jew owned pawn shops down Whittier Blvd., were no different! One of these “pawn shops” also now owns a porno video shop without regards or respect to our Chicano community because the owners of the pawn shop/porno shop are said not to reside in East L.A. either. Nevertheless, these former Jew owned businesses are now a “vintage” class of a bygone era. It’s just a matter of time before WE are ALL waiting for “them” to close down of their own volition and go back to their Zionist loving “Jew Towns”.
Today, it’s the Korean immigrants who have predominately replaced most the former Jew owned businesses. The Korean and other Asian business owners within our barrios are conservative in nature. Some are good natured, friendly and some are culturally stoic (indifferent), but nothing like their abhorrent Jewish predecessors. I have come to know some of these newcomer Koreans personally throughout the years, including a few small mom and pop owned businesses down my own street, just one block away and a few blocks over on Whittier Blvd too. However, in all fairness, I cannot speak for our Black brethren who have to deal with their local Asian counter part business owners.
During the early and mid 1970s when I was seeking employment on West L.A.’s Sunset, Hollywood and Santa Monica Boulevards and throughout the exclusive white West side enclaves of the Hollywood area, each time I tried to apply at most eateries, there was almost always a Jewish proprietor or Jewish establishment manager, men and women, who just took one look at me in spite that I had many years of prior experience in the food industry and was well dressed for the occasion, however, “they” would take one look at at me and before I could introduce myself to “them”…; “Sorry, you are just not what we expected” (Expected what?!) or “I’m sorry, but we already hired someone…, while the ”Help Wanted” sign was still outside their window! On each occasion I always noticed that the front sides of these establishments were ALWAYS white and Jewish. As far as the kitchen help was concerned, I did not even get the chance to peek or observe the ethnic makeup of it. I didn’t have to go to the state of ole Black Jim Crow Segregation Confederate Mississippi to get a taste of this when I too was living it myself here in Los Angeles, California! I should’ve known then how Brown Juan Cuervo (Jim Crow) was also making its way to where NOSOTROS today are next at bat ala Murrieta, Riverside KKKounty, California.
Oh yes, make no mistake readers! The Zionist Jews I came across in my lifetime have much to be desired for me personally to categorize “them” as “human” beings alright! Today I have nothing but absolute and sheer utter contempt for these Jew bastards in AmeriKKKa and in a land “they” term as Zionist “Israel” who are committing outright GENOCIDE on the Palestinian masses without regards for human life! Zionist Jews in AmeriKKKa, the AshkeNazi “Israeli Jews in particular”…, “they” are ALL the same fertilizer mulch vermin filth as far as I am personally concerned! “They” should ALWAYS be viewed with much caution, concern and suspicion at ALL times! NEVER turn your backs on these “people”…, nor trust “them” at their word! “They” are sleazy money grubbing greedy treasonous “people”!
On a final note, lest we not forget the biggest ameriKKKan Jewish pro “Israeli” Zionist possible financier connection to what is occurring in the Palestinian Gaza Strip right now! It’s been said that the biggest ameriKKKan Jewish “donor$” to “Israel”, the biggest global welfare queen of them all as “they” receive over 15 BILLION $$$ annually from ameriKKKa that gives to “Israel”. Its “alleged” that this includes the Billionaire Koch Brothers and other high pro “Israeli” Jewish high rollers are also responsible for what is taking place Gaza! The AmeriKKKan Jewish Lobby and other pro “Israeli” mouthpieces are the biggest “friends” that Satan himself could ever have dreamed of when it comes to “promote” the so called cockroach peoples Jewish state of Zionist “Israel” which from its inception “they” have no right to exist in the first place…, not in ALL the indigenous land of Palestine!
Allah Akbar!
S.S.: Schutzstaffel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Manifest Destiny: Manifest destiny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Auswitchz: Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deir Yassin: Deir Yassin Remembered
Golda Meir: Golda Meir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1948 British Mandate:
British Mandate for Palestine (legal instrument) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stockholm Syndrome: Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fourth Reich Zionist Israel: The 4th Reich
Murrieta, Ca. Riverside County - Central American CHILDREN Attacked By White vigilantes! :
Over $15 Billion Annually In Aid To Zionist “Israel”:
How Much Does Israel Cost The Average American? - The Bilzerian Report
Billionaire Koch Brothers And The Zionist “Israeli” Connection:
Curious: The Kochs and the Israeli academic purge | eats shoots 'n leaves
“While the David H. Koch Foundation was one of Hudson’s smaller donors [$20,000], it’s curious how the closer one gets to the top of this plutonomy of ours, the more the names and faces keep popping up.”
Friday, August 8, 2014
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