Adolf Hitler blamed the German Jews, citizens and non-citizens alike in the same category for all of its nation’s economic woes and everything that negatively affected the growing *Third Reich momentum during his rise to power in 1933 of that time and thereafter until he committed suicide at the end of World War II in 1945. The latter analogy can be compared to the same political and bigoted mindset of today’s Arizona’s extremist rightwing Republican Tea Party Governor, Herr Jan Brewer, of “governing” this mean spirited race hating state against ALL undocumented immigrants, native born Mexican American citizens and anyone who looks Brown, i.e., Central and South American, including Caribbean islanders, even European Spaniards and absolutely anyone who does not look like “them”! Gov. Brewer’s “partner in crime”, Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe “Bull Connor” Arpaio, is the most infamous and notorious ultra racist xenophobe gun slinging henchman subhumanoid American Neo-Nazi of them all!
*(Third Reich = Direct Rule = Germany’s Weimar Republic = German fascist state Third Reich under the Nazis from 1933-1945. Source: Webster’s New World Dictionary)
Arpaio has terrorized the entire RAZA within Maricopa KKKounty and the rest of the state of Arizona to no end on a daily basis 24/7! I personally, just like ALL Raza, are waiting for him to either be prosecuted by the Federal government for human and civil rights violations, or the sooner the better, ASAP, die a very severe painful death…, of natural causes of course! It’s also been said there is a multi-million dollar lucrative juicy REWARD for Arpaio’s head that the Mexican drug cartels are willing to gladly pay! Any takers, hmmm…? Is there any truth to this? I sure hope so!
It’s also been reported that dark skin Brown looking Arab Muslim men, women and children have also been victims of Brewer’s Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler’s Autobiography) regime campaign of terrorism. What’s ironically the worst of ALL ironies is that even Arizona’s Indigenous Native Peoples of this entire “North American” continent, who were on this land mass centuries long before Gov. Brewer’s European Neanderthal savage infidel ancestors washed ashore on this continent “they” termed “America”, are occasionally also being stopped and asked for their own “immigration status” by Arpaio’s Brown Shirt Gestapo (Sheriffs) and asked them for their own “immigration status”! I wish to have been there to see their own reactions each time OUR Native Indigenous brethren replied to them in their deliberate and calm demeanor; “No…, (Short pause)…, but can I see yours first?” OMG! What a “Kodak moment” it would have been to witness these redneck badges and gun toting bigoted Gestapo type local cops and sheriffs facial expressions! It’s of my own personal opinion that the state of Arizona should be classified as a global 2014 “tourist attraction” at this point in time…, as the capitol of the “new and improved” America’s Brown Juan Cuervo (Black Jim Crow) white supremacy in progress! Arizona = Pre-Nelson Mandela Apartheid South Africa!
This fascist and racist xenophobe reign of continuous provoked campaign of ethnic cleansing terror on ALL Raza and other “suspicious” looking Brown people will one day come to a head-on collision course…, not of our own making. This inevitable worst case scenario as an impending human tragedy will sadly enough, NOT be a very pretty picture in the final outcome for either side of the political and racial equation. Only one side of a future hand to hand combat to the death on the streets of America will determine the survival of NUESTRA RAZA or “theirs”! With this anti-Raza hysteria, ONLY one side will be the VICTOR in the final analysis!
The insurgent popular La Reconquista de Aztlan National Liberation Movement will become “La Reconquista de Aztlan National Liberation Resistance” as a frontline organized combatant entity, exclusively to fight OUR real enemies…, the white supremacist homegrown Minutemen terrorists and their adherents! In the final analysis, either “them”, the fascist enemy camp or NOSOTROS will come out surviving this potential internal American RACE WAR catastrophe which I reiterate…, not of our own making! Let’s all hope this worst case scenario will NEVER materialize, but nevertheless WE must NEVER discount this kind of ongoing provocations by our extremist rightwing white terrorist enemies who do not look like NOSOTROS! Taking a collective self-defense posture mode at ALL times is a good preventive measure against such surprise enemy attacks when WE least expect it!
Many innocent people even if they are not Spanish speaking but are racially profiled as such by the Arizona Gestapo (Sheriff, Joe “Seig Heil” Arpaio’s Brown Shirts), are usually mistaken for one nevertheless. Because of these types of growing continuous Nazi type of human and civil rights abuses against those who do not look like “them”, a growing angry Brown and other oppressed people of color will no longer take these kinds of attacks by the Arizona Neo-Nazi rightwing extremist Tea Party Republican powers that be and their fellow likeminded bigoted ilk! The worst case scenario that could happen in the immediate unforeseeable future in America is that it will be no accident if these provoked hostilities by our combat adversaries will come to bite “them” where the light does not shine, for lack of a better word. If and when this fateful day ever arrives, WE Raza will have no other alternative but to acquire a well prepared defensive status mode if WE are to preserve our culture, language and our own history.
The Balkanization of America is INEVITABLE if this madness continues without abatement, again…, NOT of our own volition! Do WE allow “them” destroy NOSOTROS as a Brown people…, or do WE take an aggressive defensive position ourselves to vanquish our diehard enemies who seek our demise by any and ALL means necessary to the final consequences?! This is NOT a farfetched worst case scenario that can be dismissed as mere rhetoric! Just look around you and smell the frijoles mi gente! OUR enemies’ rhetoric and deeds speak for itself! When OUR enemies have NOSOTROS up against the wall…, do WE fight or do WE die?! OUR future generations depend on OUR own actions and what legacy WE leave behind for them.
It’s no secret among Chicanos and ALL oppressed people of color from Aztlan and beyond when the day will opt us no choice but to become America’s own homegrown “Viet Cong” (Vietnam’s guerrilla insurgents.)…, revolutionary answer to fascist Arizona’s anti-immigrant white supremacist MINUTEMEN TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. The heroic Vietnam’s V.C. fought successfully for their independence against the French and American occupiers until they obtained their hard earned VICTORY; 1954-1976). However, this “new” and “improved” Brown Raza “Viet Cong” will not have, at least not yet, to fire one single lethal shot in anger, because OUR adversaries are already initially a defeated dying people via their own induced self-obliteration and their own shortcomings, including self-depopulation and the ever so growing daily change of ethnic demographics on our side throughout every corner of America. “They” can run, but they can no longer hide from their INEVITABLE demise as fate would have it as a done deal! What’s even worse, OUR adversaries have lost their capacity to not being able to procreate, including among their own selves, even if their own miserable miscreant pale faced lives depended on it!
On several previous occasions I have come to sincerely believe that OUR Mexican Aztec Gods were angry and sent NOSOTROS a little help for OUR side with full force as segregationist apartheid Arizona was burning to hell on 2013 by the countless hundreds of acres of its land to no end not too long ago! It’s too bad Gov. Jan “The Cadaver” Brewer and Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe “Satan’s child” Arpaio were not the ones in the center of this forest fire on that day instead of those innocent firefighters dying on that fateful day. Now, had these two KKKLaner KKKlown KKKnight Riders been fried gringo chicharrones (cracKKKahs) during this forest fire, this would have brought joy to ALL Raza throughout Aztlan and beyond the Diaspora! Their demise would have been equivalent to winning the California Power Ball lottery no doubt! When this hell on fire was taking place on the Fourth Reich Arizona, all I could think of on my mind, was…, are OUR Aztec Gods on the side of NOSOTROS? My thoughts at that moment was; “If this race hating mongering land (Arizona) is not to welcome NOSOTROS…, then it’s NOT good enough for those Euro-American Arizona bigoted enemy camp ruling powers that be! …And Yes…, let the entire state of Arizona burn to hell with ALL of this state’s Moonshine gulping cracKKKahs in it!” In hindsight, I was only thinking in the absolute demise of OUR racist anti-Raza gringos and not of my oppressed gente (people) and other non-Raza progressive brethren who also happen to reside in this state as well.
I was also hoping that maybe, just maybe…, this old shriveled up prune face cadaver looking, Governor Jan Brewer, Sheriff Joe “Bull Connor” Arpaio and all his Brown Shirt badge gun slinging thugs had been caught on that great Arizona forest fire! Now, that would had been a real Allah the Merciful “blessing” in disguise for those of NOSOTROS who want nothing better to happen to all those Arizona’s white supremacist Satan’s children powers that be! Without any reservations or compulsion, I was really hoping that this would had been the case of their timely demise altogether, but to my utter regret, this wishful thinking did not happen after all! Maybe…, just maybe next time! I will continue to just keep wishing that OUR Aztec Gods will one day will finally answer OUR prayers! I DO NOT and will not mince words how I would love to witness their demise back to where they hail from…, Satan’s hell!
(The following is Adolf Hitler’s speech which is a close analogy of white racist Xenophobe America’s rhetoric against ALL Raza as well.)
Hitler Speaks About the Jews – You Tube
The last time I heard, “Mexican hunting season” is now the “norm” in New York City and Newark, New Jersey’s municipal airports as “suspicious looking”, (as usual), Brown people are pulled to the side by the airport TSA agents and ICE immigration authorities, bypassing white boarding passengers and shoving, uh, they call it “escorting”, mostly Brown persons or those who fit their xenophobic anti-immigrant and racial profiles, unto their “interrogation rooms”. Again, if one was to read history about Nazi Germany’s rise to power during the 1930s and 1940s, this is the very EXACT same procedure mode of operandi that took place against the Jews in general at every level of Nazi Germany’s state of siege mindset.
Does the 9-11 New York’s Twin Towers in America bring any similar analogy from white racist xenophobes in America who immediately found the excuse to discriminate and even physically attack those who looked “Muslim” and others whom many American white bigots thought erroneously that innocent Middle Eastern Arabs were “potential terrorist”? On many instances, even non-Muslims were victimized by racial profiling. What happened in the aftermath of 9-11 racial anti-Muslim racist hysteria not too long ago is exactly what’s happening today against Raza by these same hate mongering types who do not look like “them”! If these warlike actions against NOSOTROS by OUR American white supremacist adversaries are not a DECLARATION OF A RACE WAR provocation…, then I don’t know what to call it. This is just one more reason why WE must ALWAYS be prepared for a self-defense call to arms…, PERIOD! Let’s hope this never comes to be, but WE must never dismiss this worst case scenario from our minds!
The Bundestag state of siege Fourth Reich Arizona no different as to what is also happening today against the Indigenous Palestinian peoples by Zionist “Israeli” Jews in Occupied Palestine, who are doing the exact same thing Adolf Hitler did to them during WW II! What America did to the Indigenous Natives through MANIFEST DESTINY, i.e., PILLAGE, PLUNDER, SLAVERY, STEALING MEXICAN LANDS AND GENOCIDE, the criminal apartheid Zionist “Israeli” Jews are committing the same atrocities through their own ethnic cleansing campaigns against the indigenous Palestinian people on their own indigenous homeland too! These European colonizing interloping non-indigenous AshkeNAZI Jews are NOT and have NEVER been indigenous to Palestine!
These interloping so called “Israeli” Jews originally hail from former Nazi Germany, Russia, Poland and throughout Europe…, but NOT from Palestine! These criminal Zionist Jews have forgotten how they went through the Nazi Holocaust a few generations ago as former victims. Six Million Jews (and other non-Jews), are now themselves the victimizing “new” apartheid racist NAZI scum of the earth Vultures as they violate these same human and civil rights against the Palestinian people in all of occupied Palestine! Palestinian conventional wisdom says that as long as one single criminal Zionist “Israeli” continues to occupy ALL of Palestine…, there will NEVER be peace! If Iran ever decides to nuke the criminal racist Zionist “Israel”, a non-entity, it could not happen to a better enemy of the Indigenous Palestinian people…, just let the Palestinians to clear out first beforehand!
The final and total eradication of Apartheid Zionist “Israel” altogether in Palestine is the ONLY path to aFREE PALESTINE!
It’s very important for everyone on our revolutionary anti-fascist side of the political and racial struggle to understand the mindset of OUR American white supremacist adversaries whom WE must not underestimate them at ALL costs. “They” are the most evil and sinister two legged animals that only Mother Nature could had ever produced like a curse to the rest of the good side of humanity on this planet! These utterly loathed Mother Nature’s rejected and useless appendicitis Billy Bob and Ma Yoakum Homo Sapiens types have absolute no social value on planet earth!
Collectively, these backwoods redneck Neanderthals are akin to a walking malignant terminal cancer…, which they have no cure in sight as a miserable wretched dwindling dying low life malignant population of their own volition! Because of their ingrained Euro-Centric outright cultural ignorance and intolerance of other nationalities, they are under the sheer erroneous belief that Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Caribbean, Central and South Americans and even European Spaniards, are ALL, yes…, “MEXICANS”! According to their own warped mindset, if they look Brown and speak Espanol, yep…, they are ALL Mexicans alright! In other words, it’s the same old stereotype white racist American mentality; “They all look alike!” Thank goodness the majority of white American people are decent and not racists themselves! Just remember, as I have ALWAYS stated previously on several occasions time and time again;
It’s also very important to note that the English speaking “mainstream” media (print/radio and television) in general, FOX “News” Channel Corp. in particular, tends to ignore, by convenience and/or by design, including the side of our Palestinian brethren whom they also struggle for their own homeland liberation for independence just as much as WE Raza are also part of the national liberation struggle throughout Occupied Aztlan (California to Texas and beyond!) in the Chicano resistance movement!
The non-Spanish speaking media, but not all, is not on OUR Brown side, except when it’s relegated to “reporting” the negative news aspect of it as they treat NOSOTROS as third rate citizens within our own indigenous continent. In the case of the occupied Palestinian oppressed people, it’s only when the criminal apartheid exclusive made up estate of Zionist “Israel’s” security feels “threatened” by its indigenous oppressed Palestinian people, just as Brown and Black people in America whom are historically stereotyped to be involved in gang violence, drugs busts and the worst!
This is the ONLY time when WE and the Palestinian people are mostly noticed as an ethnic entity; otherwise WE do not exist nor accepted in America as “their” equals! Then again, why would WE want to be “accepted” as their “equals” when NOSOTROS are indigenous to this continent with an authentic culture and a language all of our own long before these Euro-American invaders washed ashore? Too bad our Native Indigenous peoples did not ask “them” upon their arrival; “Papers please?!” Historically, this improvised by a foreign people and by the force of arms by apartheid Zionist “Israeli” criminals who has no right to exist then in 1948, today or ever! Criminal “Israeli” Zionism is like child abuse…, it’s hereditary! It’s important to understand that any and all ill conceived empires by interlopers in Zionist “Israel” and apartheid America, sooner or later are destined to fall under their own imperialist weight and self-induced short comings! Time and history is on OUR side!
Not all Black and Brown people who come out of the barrios and hoods are non-achievers as the general media and many in the white privileged enclaves seem to erroneously portray anyone who does not look like “them” and are not of “their” economic status . It’s not unusual why the news media did not report about a 20 year old, or thereof, young woman, “Andrea” (Not her real name) who obtained a Yale University scholarship, in spite of her being raised in a dire poverty stricken home, with formerly an ailing stricken father whom since then is now deceased. Before her father passed away, this exceptional young Yale U. student came home on vacation to assist in tending to her then terminal ailing father as she helped her mother cope with the situation. The same I can say for her two other older sisters who were at hand to share their mother’s burden and to help take care of their father when he was still alive. My family and I have known “Andrea” since birth, now a bright young woman, from the day her parents brought her home a few days after her birth. The oldest of her sisters, whom I have also known since the age of three, has a B.A. degree herself in Sociology, now employed in motivating other teens with education and employment. The middle sister, whom I’ve known also from birth as well, is obtaining an education and at the same time is a home maker and raising two small grade school children of her own while her husband works.
As for “Andrea” herself, when I initially asked her about two years ago or so, what her major was then, she revealed that it was in Genetic Science where she excelled during her high school days at Garfield High School here in East Los Angeles, Ca. In an update thereafter when she returned during one of her summer college vacations, Andrea informed me later how she has now put her previous major in Genetic Science on hold and was now weighing, tentatively, on a change of another major instead as a film major, which to her credit, she was able to obtain part time employment in the film department within her Yale U. campus.
Oh yes, “Andrea” and her family have been my neighbors for over 20 years to present date. This quiet unassuming family resides only a few feet between our car driveways which we share. I and most of our fellow neighbors within our East L.A. barrio who knows this family over the years are ever so very proud of her achievements as she attends Yale U., a prestigious Ivy League University. My family and I, including everyone who knows her; all wish “Andrea” sincerely the best in her future academic endeavors. In spite of “Andrea’s” next to impossible to have ever been able to afford or dreamt of one day in her life to even attend Yale U., nevertheless, she managed to prevail against the impossible odds against her, a poor economically deprived bright young ambitious former high school graduate student who strived to accomplish her dream to succeed! I compare her feat in the same light as winning the California Lottery…, but with academic hard work on her part to merit and earn this great once in a life time opportunity!
I also know of many other youths, some not personally, from OUR own barrios of East L.A. who have become prominent, doctors, lawyers, politicos such people; former L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, movie actors and actresses of renown, some are still living, some are not, i.e., Anthony Quinn, Paul Rodriguez, Cheech Marin, Edward James Olmos, Lupe Ontiveros and even my late close friend, Woody Strode, who attended Garfield High School right here in East Los Angeles, later went on to attend UCLA as a football star, professional wrestler and eventually became a prominent movie actor in his own right who starred in such movie roles; “Spartacus”, “Pork Chop Hill”, “Sgt. Rutledge”, “The Magnificent Seven” and many other films to his credit. Woody Strode was a Black American who resided here in East L.A. nearby where I reside today for many years where he raised a family alongside his beautiful Hawaiian wife. My friend Strode made many men half his age look physically puny next to his 80 years young. I can attest that he worked out on a daily basis at his home which my wife and I formerly visited him frequently when he was alive. His adult son was also a very gracious host each time we visited his father as well.
As a former print/radio journalist and writer who still resides in East L.A. since 1971, I feel exceptionally honored to live among those who have historically (…And still coming out.) come out of OUR barrios and made something of themselves in every aspect of their respective professions, sports (Oscar De La Hoya), including great artist painters, writers, the movie entertainment industry and in other artistic fields as well. One of my own high school teen age grandsons who is about to graduate next year, is pursuing a great noble professional career which I am very proud of him to follow this endeavor with much success. I snap salute him and ALL our youth of our barrios and hoods without exception.
In continuous, Paul Gonzales, former Gold Medal Olympic boxing champion, (MORE INFO; “Chango” Carmona, Mexico’s former national and light weight champion of the world many decades ago) and other boxers of renown can daily be seen at an East L.A. community run Boxing Gym on Olympic Blvd. where I take my young grandson to train boxing himself. Yes, East L.A. has much to offer by many prominent people who have returned to their roots to give something back to the people in need. I applaud and thank them wholeheartedly.
However, in all fairness to the news communications industry, specifically the Spanish language media, it’s within the last few recent years that I have noticed more often than not, how most of them have done more on focusing the concerns of the anti-immigration hysteria attacks on our Raza, citizens and non-citizens alike. They have also been keeping OUR communities more informed of the massive deportations that are taking place on a daily basis and of other blatant human rights abuses by ICE (Immigration, Enforcement and Customs) and other bigoted Xenophobe white supremacist armed vigilante groups now found “patrolling” the U.S./Mexico border, particularly in the state of Arizona.
Has anyone ever wondered when was the last time the American English speaking “mainstream” media ever reported about any undocumented Canadians who reside in the U.S. are NEVER being rounded up on their job sites or picked up off the streets at random in America while their American born children are left behind to fend for themselves without their undocumented parents to look after them, hmmmmm….?! Has right wing “fair and balanced (…Yea right!) FOX CHANNEL ever been fair handed on their “reporting” of our undocumented immigrants and their plight? NEVER! …And do not expect them to do so any time soon! On the contrary, most if not all of “conservative” radio and television media outlets, are ALWAYS attacking OUR Raza and the undocumented without abatement!
I hope this is a legitimate question we all should ask of ourselves with all due candor and honesty, as to why each time OUR gente is being subjugated to the same daily inhumane indignities and immediate deportations by the Gestapo ICE migra and the white Euro-Canadians and other Europeans are NOT relegated to the same misfortunes as NOSOTROS !? OMG! I just remembered! WE do not look like them thar gringo critters! Yet, in spite of our white adversaries selective discrimination against Brown immigrants, there is NEVER a shortage of our own HI-spanic boot licking tail wagging RACE TRAITORS whom they still love their gringo slave masters as they are obliged to sell their own Raza for whatever meal scrap leftovers are thrown their way…, as long as these HI-spanic Judases get their “reward” for being “good” perros obedientes! (Obedient dogs!)
…And how come “Der Seig Heil” Arizona’s Sheriff Joe “Bull Connor” Arpaio has NEVER mentioned anything about those pesky border crossing “illegal” Canadians?! Helloooooo…. double standard America! Has anyone ever noticed which media is covering our human side of the immigration issue!? Believe it or not folks, but those DREAMERS who are now fighting for their lives and for own their families, will one day actually be the chickens who WILL come home to roost…, and when they do, trust me, they will bite those who turned against NOSOTROS…, BIG TIME! These DREAMERS will day VOTE and so their children…, but ONLY for those who look like NOSOTROS and other oppressed people of color!
My native state of Texas is another of many Republican controlled states who are legislating severe anti-immigration laws along with their repressive “I.D. Voting Laws”, specifically to prevent Blacks and Browns from voting altogether. These powers that be have gone on the attack against NOSOTROS through Congressional district by district gerrymandering to weaken the voting strength of those who do not look like “them”. The majority of the Republican controlled states in the union have by design, conspired to turn law abiding people of color, specifically, again, Black and Brown, who never had any police records or judicial encounters with the law, are now felons overnight just before election time with the white Republicans evil sinister “jurisdictional” maneuvers whom out of desperation, are willing to do anything to win even if it’s illegal and criminal on their part to violate voters rights! Are these Tea Party Republican actions on their part akin to the word definition…, FASCISM?
The entrenched Texas “RepublicsKKKlansmen” Party as throughout the U.S. is well aware that the majority people of color will NOT vote for an extremist rightwing political party who want nothing but to absolutely legislate “laws” against those who do not look like “them” and against their own best interests! It’s very important to make note to warn our antifascist side of the political spectrum that our white racist xenophobe adversaries have been listening to the impending “race war drum” hysteria via the print, television and radio airwaves. Specifically, the rightwing “conservative” hate speech radio (fascist) media is well organized and financed against anything and anyone who does not “assimilate”, speak nor think like “them”. I listen almost daily to one extremist right wing radio talk show host, Glen Beck in particular during the morning hours from my work place, which I listen to him every so often. As the consummate “search and destroy the enemy” writer, I am even on his e-mail blog, “The Blaze”, subscribing list. On several occasions, Beck has been best source of information to counter the enemy camp!
Believe it or not, I highly recommend for NOSOTROS to listen this kind of adversarial rightwing media in general now and then with an open mind if WE want to be aware what OUR enemies are plotting against NOSOTROS! Why? “It’s good to have our friends close…, but it’s much better to have our enemies closer!” If WE are to learn how to defeat OUR diehard adversaries, it’s ALWAYS best to listen what they are saying against us so WE can prepare our own counter offensive battle frontline trenches! Not knowing what the enemy’s plot against NOSOTROS…is our own ignorance for a certain defeat to our national liberation resistance!
At the same time let us not discount those few confused “paint job” Clarence Thomas plantation Stepnfetchit house kneegrows and Ted Cruz Coconut “Cuban” GUSANOS (Worm) RACE TRAITOR “honorary” white mindset types who will sell their own mothers, bodies and excrement filled pitiful souls to their slave masters/patrones in exchange for whatever leftover meal scraps are thrown their way! This is why WE must not ignore nor be in self-denial of the FACT that WE have OUR own self-loathing brainwashed bought and paid for RepublicsKKKumbags of color ala…, ”what’s in it for me” Judases within OUR midst who will “vote” against their own best interests.., for the right price of course! These “paint job” turn coats have no gender category either, because they also come in “Aunt Thomasinas”/”Tia Tomasas” and in Black and Brown color to boot! Regardless of gender, but within our Mexican culture they are historically better known as “MALINCHISTAS” aka Race Traitors! In all fairness, in spite that our Raza tend to VOTE for Democrats, I must also make a clarification to let it be known as to not ignore that there are also a number of pseudo “democrats” (Dixiecrats) who are closet thinking Tea Party Republicans throughout Congress and elsewhere.
It’s unfortunate and regrettable, but I can ascertain there are many “generic (not original) HI-spanic” falsos (phonies) who look like me and actually think they are more “Americanos” (White) than their American gringo “amigos” who are in the confused false belief state of mind that they can “pass” and be “accepted” by these anti-Raza white supremacist poisonous snake pit vipers who can “persuade” these VENDIDOS (Sellouts) to vote Republican; “Oh Pedro! We don’t like them thar messkins, but you are one of the ‘good’ ones! You are not like them critters (Mexicans)! You are different from them thar other brown illegal ferigners!” …And the irony of all this, is that many of these HI-spanic Judases have bought their white master’s/patron’s lies, hook, line and sinker! What a shame and pity to what self-hating extremes these kneegrows and HI-spanics who have sold their bodies and souls to their blond and blue eye white gringo Devil slave masters will go in their attempt to mimic those who continue to oppress them!
(The following is an in-depth look into how our own “brown” RACE TRAITORS function in real life to protect their gringo masters best interests…, like junkyard dogs! I know this Ray Herrera piece of scumbag personally seen on this video. Herrera is the dark skin HI-spanic wearing the cap. I’m the one with the sunglasses, black beret and checkered Arab Kafyea (Scarf).
(Copy & Paste The Following ;)
On this next following video, Julio Giron is another “indigenous” dark skin swarthy “Danny DiVito” clone look alike version, wrapped in the American flag. I also know this Giron piece of self-hating “brown” trash personally from the days when he formerly resided in Bell Gardens, Ca. about a decade and a half ago. At one of Bell Gardens’ city council meetings during those years which I formerly attended, Giron was present as many parents were also there to allegedly accused him of watching porno movies at the city’s public library’s internet facility while children were present as they had just been dismissed for the day from their respective nearby schools. Julio is also known to allegedly have a police record for domestic violence and resisting arrest in this same city.
Giron, at during one city council meeting, accused me of attempting to cause him physical harm personally on a nearby street as he publicly narrated this incident to the city’s police chief, which nothing came out of this. In front of the police chief, entire city council members and the attending audience, I asked Giron to please produce whatever FACTS he had to prove his “allegations”! As it turned out…, he had NONE! However, since he did NOT produce any FACTS whatsoever, he was ridiculed to no end by everyone present at this public city hall meeting that day. In hindsight, I wish that would had really been the case that I had caused “harm” on him! Oh…, how I wish that it had been true then! I would NOT have had any qualms of being arrested specifically for an alleged assault action on him! …It would have been worth it to me alright!
(Copy & Paste The Following You Tube Link ;)
Julio Giron, an alleged Central American from Guatemala, is viewed also as an utter despised turn coat disgrace and pariah to the disgust of his fellow “Chapin” (Guatemalan) compatriots, according to some whom I have spoken to. Throughout the many years, I have known many insurmountable of my fellow white washed “Tex-Mex” or “Tejanos”, whose only goal in life they have set for themselves is to shun everything that they perceive as a threat to their “acceptance” within their surrounding white gringo world. Within our Mexican/Chicano culture we call these types of apathetic creatures of habit; “Vale madristas” (“Don’t give damners!”)
However, there is also a large percentage of self-hating confused sellout HI-spanics of Mexican parentage, who utterly deplore the term “Chicano” or “Mexican”, as they adamantly refuse to identify themselves as such ethnic entity! These turn coat HI-spanics consider themselves as “white” or Caucasian” because their birth certificates classifies them erroneously as such. Yet, these same miscreant white or Caucasian “Hispanic Americans”, as they like to call themselves, are nevertheless still looked down behind their backs and beneath them as mere “messcans” by their own gringo pseudo “friends”! Oh yes…, they have gringo friends alright, yet, these same white “friends” do not hide their disdain for “those” pesky messcans” who attempt to marry their own white womenfolk! I laugh thinking what would happen if I told a white person that I am a “white” person too! Yea…, right! I would be laughed at and ridiculed to no end! It’s important to note that there should be some kind of a wide range national campaign to eradicate OUR Raza’s classification as “white” or “Caucasian”, because WE are neither! WE are Mexican, Chicano or Raza, but NEVER “Hispanic” and much less self-repugnant “HI-spanics” from European Spain or “Latinos”, because WE are not Italians either nor do WE speak Latin!
A great percentage of Texas HI-spanic “Tejano” types, but not all, including my native RGV (Rio Grande Valley) area, have a mindset of their own who just want to “go along with the program” like lemmings as not to rock the boat against their Texas gringo Republican political controlled colonizing rulers. They do not want to hear or even remotely know about “those things” (politics) that do not affect their everyday self-centered lives in spite that their own immediate surrounding Brown people’s civil and human rights are being trampled and violated upon on a daily basis…, even when on occasions some of these same HI-spanics have come to witness it themselves to boot!
Their selfish self-centered demeanor is mostly; “A mi me vale madre! (“I don’t give damn!”) Mientras a mi no me afecte…, ese no es mi problema!” (“I don’t give a damn! As long as it does not affect me…, that’s not my problem!”) Little do these apathetic people know that the lesser they know how and why our Brown people are being attacked and victimized by our diehard racist anti-immigrant adversaries, that one day this will come to bite them personally where the light don’t shine on them as well! What these HI-spanics do not fully understand is that when our enemies run out of undocumented immigrant Brown scapegoats…, it will be these renegade HI-spanics turn at the wheel, even if they’re born in “gringolandia” U.S. of America! There will eventually come a day when they (HI-spanics) too will be of no further use to their gringo slave masters! Indian scouts then…, Indian scouts today! The “brown” HI-spanic Border Patrol “Indian Scouts” are the perfect classic example today. Me dan asco esos puercos! (Those pigs make me vomit!)
There are many “brown” Tejanos of these unwanted and scorned MALINCHISTAS (Turncoats) throughout Aztlan and beyond whom I refer them as “confused HI-spanics”, suffering from a malady that I have come to term as; “The Alamo Syndrome” with a self-defeatist low esteem state of mind. These are synonymous with those few “messican” traitors who fought and died “defending” the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas (February 23 – March 6, 1836) which was a pivotal event during the so called “Texas Revolution”, according to our Texas Euro-America revisionist colonizers, during a 13-day siege. Along with these Euro-Americans, almost 180 years ago, a few renegade white washed “mexicans” died for their gringo patrones (white slave masters) which many today still grovel and protect their gringo patrones (masters), but this time most of them have also become “honorary white” rightwing Tea Party Republicans!
Texas U.S. Senator, Ted Cruz, a counter-revolutionary Cuban “GUSANO” (Worm) Canadian immigrant himself, is the perfect classical example of who WE Raza can comfortably term him as an outright unabashed # 1 RACE TRAITOR! Historically, then as today in 2014, there exists many of these same miscreant self-hating HI-spanics like Senator Cruz, who continues without shame to vociferously attack outright Brown people, especially when any legislation is introduced that has to do with immigration reform or the Dream Act for the undocumented college bound students. Many of Cruz’s adherent like minded thinkers can also be found within our midst as well.
Sen. Cruz is NOT considered as Raza of any figment of our imagination or by non-Cuban Brown people. Like Senator Cruz, the majority of Cuban Americans whom are based from Cuban mafia infested Miami, Florida to “La Raza Rifa” California, are mostly NOT welcomed in our Chicano, Mexican and Central American communities whatsoever. Just because WE both different peoples speak the same language of Espanol, Chicanos and reactionary “Cubanos” do not share the same social values. The majority of them, the white looking types, tend to be arrogant, inconsiderate and pushy towards those who are not of their ilk! They are usually termed as “Agringado Coconistas”. Coconuts, Brown from the outside…, blancos pudridos por dentro! (…rotten white from the inside!) In all fairness, I must clarify that not all Cuban Americans fit this profile either. I know some that are progressives themselves, but they are a few found in our own Chicano barrios too.
“Coconista” is a terminology that needs to be defined and addressed in order to understand why we Raza are unavoidably divided within and against each other as Chicanos, Mexicanos and others Spanish speaking people throughout the Diaspora. As Chicanos, OUR revolutionary collective sole agenda in the struggle is to UNITE NUESTROS PUEBLOS and help promote…, La Reconquista de Aztlan National Liberation Movement in EVERY sense of the word as WE continue our centuries old struggle against OUR adversarial racist Xenophobe enemy occupiers…, PERIOD! …NOTHING HAS CHANGED!
Most of white America falsely assumes Tex-Mex Tejanos of the Rio Grande Valley aka “El Valle de Tejas”, (Corpus Christi to Brownsville), are all one “same thinking” ethnic people, yet, WE are a total mix with a different cultural lifestyle within itself and of a different mindset in many ways from the rest of Nuestra Raza who live out of the state of Texas and throughout Aztlan. Why? WE Raza Tejanos in Texas then and today, view the state of white redneck racist xenophobe Texas, which is still white Republican controlled, on an equal par to what the deep Southern white Confederate segregationist states like Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, et al, was to Black Jim Crow America before the 1964 Civil Rights Act law more than 50 years ago. NOTHING HAS CHANGED!
When it comes to “Los Coconistas” (“The Coconuts” = Brown from the outside and White from the inside), which are defined as those “brown” self-deniers who turn their backs on their own culture, language, identity and political thinking, usually behave like the worst “brown” walking terminal cancer patients in a hospice! These turncoat HI-spanics will try anything to find a “cure” to become something they are not and will NEVER be…, WHITE!
WE Raza perceive them as persona non grata (unwelcomed persons) parasitical rabid dog lice who should be treated like WE treat our white redneck racist enemies…, with utter contempt! These miscreants are own boot licking RACE TRAITOR scum of the earth who turn against their own Raza as they attempt to appease their own gringo slave masters. However, in a way I also pity them because of the ingrained racist anti-Mexican brain washing hysteria they have been sucked into which is mostly dominated by a racist Texas public school system that teaches them to believe their American Manifest Destiny white “assimilation” as they become “contaminated” with their despised HIS-storical “Alamo Syndrome”…, DECEIT and LIES!
The “Alamo Syndrome” was and is a long time Texan white supremacist public school system “miseducation” campaign to make us Brown Tejanos to erroneously make us believe that the Alamo “defenders” in 1836, a Franciscan Mission in San Antonio, where non-Texan white gringo slave owning adventurers, i.e. Davey Crockett, Sam Houston, Bill Travis, Jim Bowie and the rest of their fellow Euro-American infidel interloping savages, “claimed” they were “defending freedom and democracy”, when in reality it was actually the biggest LIE whites in Texas perpetuated on us Tejano kids during the 1950s when I was attending Brownsville’s Skinner Elementary School.
Generations of Tejano Raza, from 1836 to my grade school days to present date were and are today led to believe their LIES about the Alamo history as it has been passed on to the rest of our generations of children, grandchildren, our great grandchildren and so on. That was then and as it is ongoing today as part of the MANIFEST DESTINY psychological warfare on the non-white indigenous Red and Brown people of Texas and rest of this North American continent.
The “Alamo Syndrome” is a psychological fatal disease perpetuated by Texas bigots against our Raza. This vicious syndrome has a “contamination” process which has its roots in the Texas public education system to commit cultural genocide on occupied indigenous Mexican peoples, i.e., Chicanos/Mexican Nationals/Mexican Americans. Had I not left Texas some 45 years ago, there is no doubt I too would had been “diagnosed” and also been sucked into as a walking confused “HI-spanic” terminal case! I remember 50 years ago when the Texas public school system allowed and encouraged us Brown Tejano kids from grade to high school to read the “History of Texas” in comic book form in a complete total revisionist white version of course! I remember how this comic book type “Texas History” version made Mexicans who lived in Texas in stereotype form and the white characters were made to look like the “good” guys. This was how WE Raza kids in those days were made to “hate those Mexicans” who killed our heroes, the “defenders” of the Alamo, i.e., Davey Crockett, Jim Bowie, Bill Travis and a few “brave” (TRAITOR) Mexicans” to boot! Oh how WE hated those damn Mexicans who attacked the Alamo! In historical hindsight, I ask myself today; “Did I do that?!” (To my regret…, I’m gasping and vomiting!)
Former U.S. Attorney General, Alberto “Albertito” Gonzalez, was the 80th, and the first Hi-spanic to be appointed in February 2005 by former President George W. Bush. Gonzalez was the perfect patsy token example as to what happens to many Brown school children when WE were caught speaking Espanol, inside or outside of school class as WE were punished as our teachers washed our mouths with Boraxo coarse soap while telling us children to go back to Mexico if we liked to speak Espanol, as it was forced into the mouths of us children. The problem was that many of us were not born in Mexico, but not too far from our own school grounds! This was part of the gringo enemy’s offensive academic mental forced white assimilationist washing machine (Texas public school system) as it seeped into the mental psyche during our young school years; K-12 and beyond those college years during those 1950s anti-communist witch hunting severe Joseph McCarthy years!
Listening to the former U.S. Attorney General’s voice, one would think that they were listening to some redneck speaking with a deep drawl that had “possessed” Gonzalez with the impression as if he was as a special guest at a country hick “Hee Haw” TV show of those days! When “Albertito” Gonzalez was usually interviewed in news media, one would think he was not even a “HI-spanic”. Yep! He’s a bleached white Tejano Coconut through and through alright! Here is another irony. When “Albertito” was interviewed by Spanish languish media, he spoke only in English as the interviewer “translated” his interview!
Beware Texas Republican Tea Party bigots! YA’LL have finally awoken the Brown Giant Tsunami Wave! WE Raza are INEVITABLY drowning you in your own wallowing vomit! Your days are already on countdown mode! TicKKK TocKKK! TicKKK TocKKK!
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La Reconquista de Aztlan Movement
Face Book: E.f. Mohammed Martinez
(Yezka Flores – Assigned Editor-In-Chief)