Friday, February 14, 2014


The majority of our adversarial zealot anti-immigrant “legislated” states have made it blatantly known as a direct order to private businesses, local and state agencies to “cooperate” with I.C.E. (Immigration Customs and Enforcement) whom many are  now required to act by “law” as judicial and mandatory accomplices or possibly lose their business licenses, academic credentials, state funding, etc.  They could also face a fine or judicial prosecution if this “decree” is not followed in compliance. They are now required to check with the federal program, “E-Verify” (previously optional) before hiring any employees, no matter how menial the jobs are available. And if I’m not mistaken, this was one of the items that were eventually struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. This despised ruling will continue without abatement to give our fascist (authoritarian – tyrant) anti-immigrant vigilante hate groups such as one of many, the homegrown American Minutemen terrorist organization, the green light to further attack any and ALL undocumented immigrants with impunity…, specifically Mexicans, Central/South Americans, Caribbean Islanders and even Chicano-Mexican American born citizens included, but NEVER “those” white Euro-Canadians to the North of the U.S.!
Because of a certain segment of a closed minded Euro-American white supremacist population’s  ignorance of other different cultures, foreign languages, global geography and national demographics, is one of the main reasons why this plays a big part of the American “Aryan” impending demise of their own mindset miserable existence. It’s very important to make a clarification to understand that the overwhelming majority of the progressive decent American white non-racist people are not to be confused with the tiny minority of those race hating white supremacist bigots.
White bigots in their collective view seem to perceive ALL Brown people as “those dirty messicans”, (…and worse). If these race hating miscreants tend to view NOSOTROS as a “non-people”, I wish they would ask “those” US American born Brown American born Chicanos and Mexican immigrants and other Spanish speaking Brown people who are now presently serving in the U.S. armed forces right now in Iraq and Afghanistan for this shameful and ungrateful nation! This includes the two prominent known Vietnam veterans to date who are fighting against their own deportations…, the Valenzuela brothers! The following is their present ongoing judicial pending case in point;
Brothers Valenzuela – Search
Brothers Valenzuela » Un Dia Sin Fronteras (One Day Without Borders)
In the warped mindset of bigoted White Anglo American Protestants and Pro “Israeli” Zionist Jews, due to their Xenophobic hysteria, if you “look Brown, speak Espanol and/or have a “different religion”, you are suspect to be an “illegal alien” or a “wetback” who does not belong in this country! “In this country???!!!” (Ahem!) I wonder when was the last time “they” looked themselves on their own bottom pit Maggot infested outhouse mirrors and realized that they are NOT ancestrally …, I repeat, they are NOT ancestrally Brown or Red indigenous to this continent?! Helloooo…?! These incessant bigoted Euro-Americans whose own ancestors originally sailed from several thousands of miles away from their pestilent Bubonic Plagued Europe to this continent across the mass Atlantic Ocean aboard the Mayflower ship, seem to suffer a memory loss syndrome…, out of convenience of course! Either these pilgrim’s ancestors today have forgotten their own revisionist European gutter HIS-story to fit their own warped distorted views or they are in absolute self-denial! Now, who are the authentic illegal aliens here?! Not US! WE did not cross the border…, the border crossed NOSOTROS!
As ALWAYS, America has by design forgotten those Chicanos and other Brown Raza who have served in ALL of this nation’s armed forces, me included, fought and died while their loved ones were formerly and are as of present date…, deported! These FACTS have been documented in much of the Spanish language news media, but very rare is mentioned on the English speaking media…, if any! Most of white America is probably not aware of the FACT that our RAZA has been awarded the highest military medals this nation can bestow on a military member of ALL the Armed Forces for their contribution beyond the call of duty on a combat field of operations in every war that America has been involved in…, THE CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR! MOST OF THEM…, POSTHUMOUSLY!
(See links ;)
latinos with medal of honors – google search – Google Search
latinos in the armed services – google search – Google Search
As of late, the extremist rightwing controlled Republican Congress, has legislated mandatory “E-Verify”, what was formerly optional by business employers. It’s now obligatory as a permanent law that will affect many thousands of undocumented immigrants and citizens alike. “E-Verify” is categorized as the exact former South African apartheid Pre-Nelson Mandela much hated “Pass Laws”. Pro-immigrant rights activists and academics in the U.S., perceive this in the same analogy as the latter of the former South African days of apartheid. However, because of the will and self-determination of the oppressed heroic Black South African people and global support, eventually they freed the man whom we all know today as the former now late President Nelson Mandela (1994 to 1999). Cuba’s former Prime Minster, now retired, was one of the initial world leaders who fought hard to have companero Nelson Mandela freed from his almost 30 years of incarceration. After Mandela was finally freed, both world leaders became friends for life.
(See link)
fidel castro and nelson mandela close friendship - Google Search
During this nation’s Afrikaner’s white rule, indigenous Black South Africans were formerly forced to carry their work “Pass Cards”, (Equivalent of today’s E- Verify and Passports.) on their persons, and visible at all times for all white “citizens”, regardless of age. Even including white children forced Black adults to show it to them so they could “establish” if they (Blacks) belonged in their ALL white segregated enclaves. The same could be said today without dispute about America’s “new” and “improved” apartheid Brown Juan Cuervo’s “Pass Cards” aka “Tarjetas Verdes” (“Green Cards”). Even today in America there are many states who target Black and Brown Americans from discouraging them from voting due to non-violent police records. Yes, Black Jim Crow/Brown Juan Cuervo is still alive and well in this racist and ungrateful nation I personally term; “AmeriKKa”! Yes readers, sadly but true…, NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN APARTHEID AMERICA!
e-verify – google search – Google Search
uscis – e-verify – Google Search
If South Africa’s Blacks during the apartheid era, were not domestic servants, gardeners or menial workers, they were not allowed nowhere near within the white enclosed private or public areas thereby they (Blacks) were subject to be immediately admonished or arrested merely at whim for not possessing these much hated “passes” and for “trespassing” in their white Afrikaner neighborhoods!” …”Trespassing” in their own indigenous land?! This “Pass Law” decree was “legislated” many decades prior by the former white racist Afrikaner apartheid Prime Minister, P.W. Botha’s illegal regime…, just like the criminal apartheid criminal racist Zionist “Israel” today is terrorizing the Palestinian people within their own indigenous land of Palestine!
When the dreaded former apartheid South African “Passes” became null and void by it’s then newly liberated Black masses, the defeated former white Afrikaners immediately exported them and made their way to the “new” and “improved” apartheid America! WE Raza are the updated electronic computer age scapegoat carriers of these same “Passes” today which are now commonly known as…, E-Verify! This nation’s mode of operandi is also exactly the same duplicated evil sinister conspiracy as it has moved the former East/West Berlin Wall from former communist East Germany to the International U.S./Mexico border! This infamous loathed “wall” is now dubbed; “El Muro De La Tortilla” (“The Tortilla Wall”) as it has been erected throughout and between the U.S./Mexico borders, from San Diego, California to the tip of my native birthplace of Brownsville, Texas.
Let it be known that this perverse “wall” of shame reminds NOSOTROS that white Racist xenophobe America has declared a RACE WAR against ALL Brown people, pure and simple…, PERIOD! It’s also important to note that this “Wall of Shame” is erected between two “hypothetical” non-warring neighboring nations. Yet, if this Wall of Shame cannot be called an arrogant RACE WAR provocation on US Brown people…, I wouldn’t know what else to call it! What would you readers call it?! Then again, the U.S. is ALWAYS known to break ALL their treaties since these Euro-Americans washed ashore off the Mayflower! …America the HYPOCRITE!
Has anyone ever wondered how come this same “Tortilla Curtain” aka “Wall of Shame” on our U.S. Southern border, has not been cloned and placed at the U.S./Canadian border? Could this be because Canadians are of white European ancestry and not Brown indigenous people? The Jews at Nazi Germany’s barbed wire concentration camps wore the Star of David. What’s next?! Will white racist America makes us Brown Raza wear the Mexican Eagle while the Canadians do not?!  Por favorrrrr…?! (Pleeeease…?!)
Make no mistake readers; it’s all too obvious how our anti-immigrant xenophobe white supremacist RepublicKKKlansmen Tea Party Congressional powers that be adversaries and their adherent “Archie Bunker” bigoted lackey types are adamant in making it all possible to seek the demise not only of our language and culture, but as an evil scheme…, precluding to a “JUDICIAL ETHNIC CLEANSING OF ALL BROWN RAZA!"
It’s important for everyone on our side of the pro immigration rights issue to proudly stand up and give a great round of applause to a Filipino undocumented immigrant, Pulitzer Award Winner journalist whom a few years ago *(June 22, 2011) bravely came out by announcing to the American public and general media as an “out of the closet” undocumented immigrant himself…, Jose Antonio Vargas. At that time, Vargas sacrificed a very promising career at a prestigious newspaper for something he felt was more valuable than what he had left behind…, a clear conscience and love for those less fortunate than him!
No doubt, Vargas is a hero to those fighting for Immigration Reform and the Dream Act to become a reality for the thousands of undocumented college bound students whose lives lay in limbo and are prevented from obtaining a state college education due to their immigration status. As it is, the present Republican Tea Party rightwing extremists have already made it clear that they have no intentions of passing any positive “laws” pertaining to help our undocumented immigrant communities still living in the shadows in this country. Come November 2014, it’s of the utmost importance for our Brown Raza to counter attack our Republican extremists at the voting booths against them as “payback time”! It’s also important to note that the Republican Party as a whole is definitely NOT a “friend” of La Raza and other oppressed people of color in America.    
These “Dreamer” students were brought to the U.S. as minor children, whom no fault of their own were raised as Americans…, period! Thank goodness the state of California did the right thing by passing the pro Dream Act legislature for these undocumented immigrant kids as our Governor, Jerry Brown, signed it in spite that the Californian Republican legislators barked and barked vociferously against it to their rightwing anti-immigrant evil heart’s content! Nevertheless…, WE PREVAILED! In regards to journalist Vargas…, I snap salute him with all due respect merited!  
(Read his story. See links ;)
my life as an undocumented immigrant – ny – Google Search
jose antonio vargas journalist - Google Search
I formerly listened daily to “W Radio” 690 AM” – Monday thru Friday – hosted by Mr. Antonio Gonzalez, a great Honduran, Central American long time friend and brother in the struggle whose baritone voice has been heard for over 40 years on several Spanish language radio broadcasting stations on the air waves all over Los Angeles and all over California. Gonzalez is no longer broadcasting from this particular radio station any longer, but nevertheless he is still fighting the good battles for the voiceless on different radio stations sporadically. His on air forte of excellence has always been inter-acting with the listening audience and open line phone call ins to discuss and debate the issues of the day that concerns and affects our communities at-large, especially on pro-immigration human rights, etc. He speaks out on topics that other radio station talk show hosts do not indulge in. Many in the radio business avoid sociopolitical subjects or other controversial items as “taboo” for “fear of backlash reprisals” from its sponsors and possibly radio station management which Gonzalez has been right in the middle of it for more than four decades. To this day, he is still defiant when it comes to exposing the topics of discussion and allows the chips fall where they may!
Throughout it all, Gonzalez has merited and earned the respect of many from our own Spanish speaking communities. I have valued his voice of reason and political street savvy experience, in spite that sometimes he and I might have had a few slight “difference of opinions”, but in very rare cases. Nevertheless, I’ve known Gonzalez for almost 40 years, yet, we continue to be good lifelong friends and stay in touch now and then.  
It’s no accident or coincidence why most of the Spanish language media (Print, Radio and TV) in the U.S., focuses on our own community concerns which affects our daily lives, especially on immigration and other vital important issues. The reason behind this is because the English speaking media in general mostly ignores NOSOTROS, but when they do, it’s usually brief and mediocre at “best”…, unless it’s they are “reporting” to make us RAZA look in a total negative light, i.e., murders, drugs, sensationalist scandals and anything to target and discredit our Spanish speaking ethnic Brown people. Out of necessity and as of recent, much of the Spanish language news media have now taken an aggressive posture to defend, educate and most of all, raise the conscience of our communities in spite of their media programming with a saturation of “novelas” (Mexican produced soap operas) and sports.
The English speaking media on the other hand, but not all, especially the rightwing “conservative” FOX “make believe” pseudo news channel types; have seen to it that they ignore the continuous rashes of race hatred attacks and murders of undocumented immigrants throughout the U.S.…, especially in the deep Southern states and the East Coast. The West Coast is not immune to this types of epidemics either, especially with Arizona’s S.B. 1070…, considered as today’s mother of all extremist hardcore American hate mongering racism and fascism gone rampant in apartheid America.
About 8 or 10 years ago when I was vacationing at my native Brownsville, Texas, a medium size U.S./Mexico border city located in the lower RGV (Rio Grande Valley), a nearby friend of a relative of mine I went to visit, told me a story that I assume the “mainstream” corporate news media never made it known to the general public, at least not in California as far as I know.
According to one of my relative’s friend and nearby neighbor, Mike Perez, pointed out how members of the white supremacist anti-immigrant Minutemen terrorist organization were dealt a humiliating personal defeat at the hands of those they intended to target from the outset, but as it turned out they themselves became their own targets because of their own demographic ignorance of the RGV area and because of their blind xenophobic racism. After this “death” blow to their white supremacist egos, there was no doubt afterwards that they will NEVER again think of contemplating to  ever dare venture and attack our Raza down here…, especially not after they were also dealt a very personal humiliating experience back then.
Mike continued to say how a small number of these self-proclaimed members of this anti-immigrant Minutemen terrorist organization arrived naively not knowing the city’s terrain nor the demographics of the city’s inhabitants as they attempted to hold one of their unpopular and despised “demonstrations” there in Brownsville with the hope to gain support of other like minded white racists which resulted in utter failure.., and of all places! These loser moron Minutemen idiots were not cognizant of the 80% to 90% of the Brown majority demographic population of this border town city next to Mexico! These American home grown terrorists underestimated themselves, thinking they were back in California or Arizona where they have a large number of their own likeminded white ilk adherents, but they forgot one minor detail! Brownsville, Texas is NOT California or Arizona, stupid!  …This is the Rio Grande Valley and La Raza rifa! (Rules!)
However, when these lost and confused American interstate rednecks grouped together at their designated area nearby the Brownsville U.S./Mexico borders, La Raza of this city were NOT having any of this! Thereby, they surrounded these vigilantes and according to Perez, these defeated border vigilantes were forced to almost strip themselves butt naked as the people ridiculed them all the while. They were only allowed to keep only their under wears on to spare them any further humiliation. Thereafter, immediately the people in charge of the situation escorted them all by forced marching these defeated vigilantes to the outskirts of this city’s limits…, almost stripped naked!
Perez also informed me that these miscreant white supremacist adversaries were made well aware, repeatedly, that if they (Minutemen) would ever attempt to return to Brownsville, that they would not be treated “humanely” next time around and it would be sheer suicidal for them to also even think of returning with more of their numbers and “supporters”, since the majority ethnic population of Brownsville and throughout the RGV. From Corpus Christi to Brownsville, its overwhelming Spanish speaking Raza, from the elected local mayors, municipal government administrative, judges, law enforcement and on down to dog catchers to boot! San Antonio is not part of the RGV, but that city’s population is also majority Raza! It’s important to note that the much hated vigilantes were not physically harmed during the process of being ejected from the city, which is the reason the police did not interfere.  
In my point of cultural and historical observation, there is no doubt the RGV is the proper model territory for our future ever expanding La Reconquista de Aztlan National Liberation Movement. Even the people themselves who have resided in the RGV all of their lives, have no clue of the big impact how they have unwittingly made history of their own making. Yes Raza…, Aztlan is alive and well in the Rio Grande Valley alright! I urge those skeptics and non-skeptics to visit and witness for themselves this fantastic phenomenon of its own natural making of what the future Aztlan looks like in progress! This is the area where our Raza has most of the control of the land in almost every aspect of it when it comes to self-determination rule. Come to think of it…, I was born in Aztlan and NEVER knew it!  …It’s just a matter of time before La Reconquista de Aztlan becomes Fait Accompli!
After this vigilante Minuteman defeat story, I took note of it and after returning to Los Angeles, I was later instrumental in arranging for Mike Perez to be interviewed via long distance through telephone “hook up” at a local radio station as he re-narrated his story live on air to the nightly listening audience. Ever since this humiliating blow to the white supremacist Minutemen terrorist organization some years ago, “they have ” NEVER returned nor attempted to do so, or  ever made any comments about their own “Waterloo” fiasco at the hands of their adversaries whose demise they seek…, Mexicans!
It’s important to note that these rag tag anti-immigrant racist American homegrown Minutemen terrorist organization members, in hindsight, they were so naïve who NEVER imagined they were literally going to be kicked out in disgrace from Brownsville, Texas. The Minutemen terrorist’s defeat a few years ago can be compared as OUR own updated Alamo Mexican VICTORY! Their own “Bataan March” on the city’s busy Expressway reminded me of this historical WWII original version…, except that the Minutemen “POWS” (Prisoners of War) were not harmed nor executed. What were these village idiots thinking? Did these KKKnight Riders really think this city was just a “sleepy” docile populated border town with “sombreros en las manos y cabezas agachadas”?! (Sombreros on one hand and bowed heads.). Yea…, right! This same incident also reminds me as if it was taken from an old classical “John Wayne” movie made up of portraying characters composed of bravado swaggering “cowboys and messkins” over 150 years ago!
These marauding Minutemen “Magnificent Seven” types of interloping white supremacist disgraced village idiots should go down in history as; “How To Defeat Minutemen White Supremacists 101…, For Dummies”. According to their warped mindset, they attempted to establish by forced intimidation vigilantism forays on this city’s (my birthplace) populace. These Brownsville brave people, who took action on these vigilantes, unwittingly became the heroes of ALL La Raza de Aztlan and beyond when they defeated OUR diehard mortal enemies, front and center! There is no doubt those of us who were not present to witness this “Alamo II” defeat by OUR Brown Raza, WE owe them OUR gratitude! Gracias pueblo de Brownsville for your courageous battle action on that day of VICTORY  
(See link how Texas apartheid is taking place at this point in time ;)
texas hb9 – Google Search
It was not too long ago when Arizona’s Sheriff Joe *“Bull Connor” Arpaio, Governor, “Herr” Jan Brewer and her fellow far right extremist Republican “Bundestag” (Nazi Germany’s former legislative seat of government) legislators were jubilant somewhat at the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that were partially responsible to rule in their favor. This Neo Nazi mindset run state still racially profiles today Brown people at random. However, this judicial decision was a political blow to our side of the pro immigration rights political spectrum, but hopefully this setback is on a temporary basis, yet, it was not surprising. …After all, the white American powers that be also have their own bought and paid for “brown” miscreant pseudo HI-spanic RACE TRAITOR mercenaries who look like NOSOTROS who crawl out of their own excrement filled sewers and bottom pit wallowing outhouses like Maggot infested larva within our midst.
These kind of repugnant self-loathing HI-spanics in mention, would not hesitate with a blink of an eye to sell their own madres (mothers) to the highest bidder$ for whatever their slave masters would throw their way off their meal tables as leftover scraps whom to this day, these same obedient and subservient HI-spanics, unabashedly and greedily will rush to lick those crumbs off their “benefactors” floors! One such renegade HI-spanic is a vile shameless Arizonan Republican state “legislator” and a generic Salvadoran immigrant, State Senator “Steve” Montenegro! No doubt, had he remained in his native El Salvador, this “Steve” fella would no doubt had been a rightwing member of the Arena Party.
The Arena Party is better known as the “Alianza Republicana Nacionalista” (“Nationalist Republican Alliance”), an extremist conservative (fascist) political party, (akin to U.S.’s own American Republican Tea Party), who had ties to El Salvador’s military death squads. Arena is documented to have been responsible for the murders of thousands of its own civilian citizens, including innocent men, women and children. Any political dissention was dealt swiftly with their demise without hesitation at the hands of the U.S. backed military death squads. There is no doubt the U.S was its staunch ally and full supporter of El Salvador’s killing spree against democracy and its people for many decades until its liberation through a popular uprising and eventual guerrilla warfare by the F.M.L.N. (Farabundo Marti de Liberacion Nacional) insurgents.
(The following link is the documented FACT on Arizona’s Republican State Senator, Steve Montenegro.)
arizona state senator, steve montenegro - Google Search
steve montenegro – YouTube – YouTube
In light of our hard struggle to defeat our internal American powerful political racist xenophobe adversaries that be, there is always a “silver lining” for our side at times. One such stroke of luck where the people of Arizona struck gold was not too long ago when former Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, an outright known self-avowed white supremacist and the “father” of  this particular state’s anti-immigrant legislation “law”, S.B. 1070, was recalled through a peoples petition circulating by its own state VOTERS to oust him from political office…, and the VOTERS prevailed as they “castrated” him BIG TIME! (Ahem!) …Politically of course!
Pearce’s abhorrent for Brown people stems from the day he was shot as a former cop before he became a politician, by an alleged “messkin” gang member. His son, a cop too, was also shot by an alleged undocumented person. His hatred for all Raza has blinded him as his rabies flows and seethes against all Raza 24/7 through and through from his evil and sinister soul! From what it seems, former Sen. Pearce was on a vendetta crusade from the outset of his political career against those who did not look like him…, a po white trailer park trash gringo! It’s too bad, Pearce is not “patrolling” the Arizona/Mexico border with his fellow armed “civilian” vigilante American Minutemen terrorists, all the while the Mexican drug cartels are pointing their high power scope sights towards “them”…, WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE! …From the Mexican side of the border that is! This is what happens when certain people at desperate times take desperate measures when ALL other alternatives are exhausted…, so America, take heed and DO NOT neither ignore nor take NOSOTROS for granted anymore! We are here and WE are NOT going anywhere!
Too bad I was ineligible to sign the recall petition against Russell Pearce back then, due to interstate geographic distance and jurisdiction zone. Nevertheless, in the final outcome of things, La Raza themselves  prevailed in VICTORY against OUR diehard enemy Pearce and his adherent likeminded supporters who without doubt he was eventually sent out to “pasture” with his kind to gringolandia and that was all that mattered in the final outcome of this hard won battle by the good people of Arizona! There is absolute no doubt there were good decent white non-racist people and other people of color who were also instrumental in the demise of former Senator Pearce’s political demise.  
Nevertheless, this diehard racist xenophobe adversary is still out there spewing and “promoting” his white supremacist hatred for ALL brown people! Hmmmm…, I wonder if the Mexican drug cartels have also added Russell Pearce alongside Joe “Seig Heil” Arpaio to their “Most Wanted Gringo” list? Hey, who wouldn’t want to collect a couple of Million $$$ as bounty for each one of their heads…, right! Hell! If I was young again…, what I wouldn’t do for a few Million $$$, especially for the right CAUSA! It doesn’t matter, because the chickens will eventually come home to roost sooner or later to knock on their front doors! It’s just a matter of time before Satan himself collects his due from Pearce and Arpaio! Satan ALWAYS collects his due sooner or later…, and rest assured he does collect! Hellooooo...?! 
(For more info. on Sen. Russell Pearce ;)
senator russell pearce – google search – Google Search
It’s important to note that the Old Confederate South segregationists of yesteryear have been replaced by their “new” Confederate version adherent of “Johnny Rebs” in Arizona ; i.e., the late Alabama 1950s/60s former Sheriff, Eugene “Bull” Connor = Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the late former Alabama Governor, George Wallace = skirt wearing and shriveled up prune face state Governor, Jan Brewer, et al! I’m surprised the Confederate flag is not flying at high mast at the state capitol building in Phoenix! Oh the RepublicKKKlansmen/Women they’re there alright, but without them wearing their white supremacist regalia…, their own mother’s cheap “stained” white bed sheets and two holed pillowcases!  Thank goodness both enemies of Black Americans during those 50-60 years ago in the Deep South are now history and dead as a doorknob! However, those same descendants of the Old Confederate South biscuit sopping white racists can now be found roaming the streets of Arizona today! …And there are more of this Hootenanny Mother Nature’s rejects to invade Arizona like cupboard cockroaches gasping for fresh air as these race mongering haters in power throughout the U.S. are seeping and oozing like puss out of their white redneck trailer park sewers!
joe bull connor – google search – Google Search
Bull Connor – Joe Arpaio – History Repeats Itself – YouTube – YouTube
Birmingham 1963 – YouTube – YouTube
(The following video confirms how Arizona Gov., Jan Brewer and the late former Alabama Governor George Wallace seem and sound exactly alike as if they were cut out from the same mother’s umbilical cord at birth.)
George Wallace Discusses States Rights 1967 – YouTube – YouTube
“Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever!” – YouTube – YouTube
gov george wallace – Google Search – YouTube
Bloody Sunday 1965 Selma, Alabama – YouTube – YouTube
Eleven other states (…and growing), Colorado, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Carolina. Virginia, Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama are now required by those state’s public school administrators, including school teachers, “lawfully” forced to become ICE overseer ‘immigration agents”. (See link ;)
“Alabama immigration law pressures schools to check immigration status – Yahoo! News & Southern Poverty & ACLU File Lawsuit against ALL Immigration Law – Hispanically Speaking News.”
Many states in the union have incorporated themselves to copy cat many similar or stricter mean spirited anti-immigrant racist xenophobic “laws” ala Arizona S.B. 1070. There are states where undocumented families are even excluded from renting an apartment or buying a home. Their minor children are barred from attending public schools because of so called “municipal ordinances and state laws”. The state of Alabama also voted to scale back or rescind the era of the pre 1954 Brown vs. Board Education with the same old Deep South segregationist but including an updated “new” concept mantra against Brown undocumented immigrants; “Separate…, And Not Equal” Even American born Raza are dealt these same racial profile inhumane indignities until proven otherwise of our own immigration status! If this is not Apartheid America Burning From Within, I have no idea what else to call the resurgence of the Ole Jim Crow today. It’s no accident or coincidence why this time it’s OUR turn ala modern day Brown Juan Cuervo (Jim Crow) in apartheid America! Unless WE Raza and ALL the good people of conscience throughout America overthrow this fascist hysterical RepublicKKKlansmen Tea Party in Congress, this CIVIL WAR will continue if people allow it! Solution?
Even the California, Bolsa Chica, Orange County State Park Rangers are known to pounce on the undocumented with extreme racial hatred vigor. Wherever there are large gatherings of Brown people, as this took place not too long ago at this County State Park site, where some of OUR Brown people were gathered to enjoy themselves like everyone else there, but before they knew what was taking place…, they were rounded up by the local police and subjected them exclusively, Brown men, women and children, excluding the surrounding white people in attendance who were doing the same thing, but because they were white, they were not subjected to the same blatant indignant humiliations of sheer unabashed racial profiling because they looked “suspicious” and “Latino looking”. Orange County is, or should I say “was”, a white supremacist Republican enclave for many decades prior, that is until WE Raza began OUR centuries old Mexican agenda; “The Browning of Orange County” aka La Reconquista de Aztlan National Liberation”!
Most white people of Orange County have seen the writing on the wall for some time now and they see it coming without abatement! They feel terrified as they are now desperately “circling the wagons” while taking their last gasp of fresh air as their crumbling decadent empire’s “curtains” is slowly coming down on them! Slowly but surely, WE have taken over parts of this once dominated “WHITES ONLY” former secure enclaves. “They” are cognizant of OUR inevitable Reconquista de Aztlan and beyond, as WE are making great inroads, with a slow deliberate pace. They are aware that they are losing their once power and population structure. The Anaheim local police Gestapo thugs who have demonstrated their provoked rampage of racial hatred under the guise of “law and order” with impunity are attempting with fruitless results to stave off OUR presence as a Brown people! “They” are losing ground all the way around! WE have elected two Democratic congresswomen from this Orange County, whose seats were formerly held by extreme rightwing Republican congressmen. Oh yes, both congresswomen are sisters and also Raza, Loretta and Linda Sanchez! I foresee the white Orange County enemy one day in the foreseeable immediate future, how “they” will be heading for the ocean like the Lemmings they are! WE can make it happen! History is on OUR side! RAZA! …ORGANIZE! ORGANIZE! ORGANIZE!
Your Comments Are Appreciated At:
 La Reconquista de Aztlan Movement
Face Book: E.f. Mohammed Martinez
(Yezka Flores – Assigned Editor-In-Chief)